Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Domestic Tuesday

I started my day in the garden pulling weeds from between my strawberry plants. This is the area that I hope to plant some of my seed crops. I tried transplanting my strawberries last summer into very large planters, but unfortunately they didn't all survive the winter. So after these strawberry plants in the main garden  fruit, I will try to transplant them as well. I don't know why they are not doing better in containers, but I will keep trying. I should never have tried planting them in my vegetable garden because they are taking up valuable space. I worked for about an hour before the rain forced me inside. So now instead of a day doing yard work, it suddenly became an indoor day of domestic chores.

 I washed and chopped the rhubarb I had and was going to put it in the freezer until I remembered I had enough pastry to make a pie. So that is what I did.

I washed another  load of dishes after unloading the dishwasher this morning. I hand washed the dog's bowls.

I cleaned the cats' litter box.

I folded two loads of laundry and put away the clothes.

I commented on some blogs and answered some emails.

I made pork chops for dinner and washed yet another load of dishes.

The weather this week is supposed to remain unsettled. We have had sun, rain, windy conditions and tonight is is downright chilly. Maybe tomorrow I can finish weeding out the strawberry patch.


  1. You were wonderfully domestic today, look at all the stuff you accomplished! And every other task is "I washed the dishes". Dang, lady. Mine is "and I still haven't washed the dishes!". In my defense, though, I decided to wash the dishwasher before putting in the next load because my dishes aren't very clean when they come out of it. I just never thought to wash the dishwasher before. Seems counter-intuitive to me!

    I hope the weather cooperates so you can get your weeding done and your garden started!

    You don't say what happened to the rhubarb pie. Gasp... could it be that you mailed it to Florida? lol.

    How much of the cheese did you eat today?

  2. No cheese today. And I remained good about not eating any pie. My Sweetie on the other hand, is trying his darnedest to help me get rid of it. Ha.
