Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Veggie Garden

 Yesterday I made the decision to start weeding my vegetable garden today because the temperatures were expected to be a bit cooler and a little less humid. After emptying the dishwasher and filling it back up again, I went outside by 10:30 to begin weeding. I started at one end where my thirteen tomato plants are and worked towards the centre of the garden. My pepper plants are covered in buds. I have four red peppers and four cayenne peppers.
Tomato plants weeded

This is where I stopped weeding because I have three rows where I do not see anything coming up yet. They were planted with parsnip and carrots. Until I see where the plants are growing, I will not be pulling up any vegetation. To the right of the bean plants is a partial row of beets. I weeded here VERY carefully, but it doesn't look like they have done well (maybe Dollar Store seeds?), so my plan is to try and plant more seeds in the empty spaces. This is a Fall harvest crop anyway, so I still have time. 

Here are three rows of 4 plants each.... Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower.  

One pie pumpkin plant

I planted two zucchini plants at the edge of my strawberry plants. Here is one of them. 

I worked outside for 2 1/2 hours in the hot sun. Then dark clouds moved in. I came in to shower and have lunch around 1:30 this afternoon.

Working in the garden this morning was very therapeutic. I had a very stressful and emotional evening yesterday concerning my mother again. The Retirement Home called me again last night. My sister wants to be the first contact but for whatever reason, they call me. (Maybe my mother insists, I don't know). Anyways, I had to calm her and assure her that the strange man in her apartment was her husband, which she refused to believe. At Christmas,  plans were made to get her a new doctor and begin her assessment for treatment for her dementia, and we are not one iota closer than we were six months ago. Because of family dynamics, I feel my hands are tied. I don't have her personal power of attorney, so I am beyond frustrated, and nobody seems to want my help or input. At this point, I don't even know if she is on a waiting list for a nursing home. I am just feeling very sick and helpless over this.

Anyways, I will continue to work outside in the garden as long as the weather allows. My Sweetie cut most of the grass today, and we are filling up the trailer again for another trip to the Transfer Station. It seems a never ending chore. 


  1. I'm so sorry about the stress caused by your mom's condition and the arrangements that have been made. It must be a nightmare. ((HUGS))

    Your vegetable garden looks wonderful! You've done a lot of work and it shows. I'm jealous, look at your pumpkin and zuccchini and broccoli! Everything so healthy looking. And your tomato plants are getting pretty big!

  2. We are desperate for rain again. We have a chance of precipitation tomorrow. Keeping fingers crossed.
