Thursday, June 16, 2016

Frugal Thursday morning

My first few strawberries

Okay, they look kind of pitiful. It isn't a great harvest; but, they are washed, hulled, dried and placed in a freezer bag so that I can keep adding more berries until I have enough for....(maybe a rhubarb and strawberry crumble??)

So while the kettle was boiling to make coffee and my oatmeal was cooking in the microwave, I unloaded the dishwasher like I always do. There were enough dishes to fill up the machine again to run a load during the mid-peak hours this morning.

 After breakfast, I made another batch of my homemade laundry detergent and washed a normal load of darks with cold water, homemade detergent and vinegar as a softener. I folded and put away the whites and lights that I took off the line last night.

I cleared the counters and washed those and my stovetop with my homemade Miracle Cleaner. I put a small pork roast into the crock pot. 

I went out to check on my veggie garden. I don't see any growth from the seeds I just planted on Friday, but I did pick those few strawberries that you see in the photo above. 

I  pulled weeds for almost two hours from my gravel driveway and from the edge of one of the flower beds. I used up a gallon of my homemade weed killer on those areas I had just cleared to keep the weeds from returning. 

I came inside to get the clothes out of the washer and hang them outside on my line. 

I emptied the kitchen compost into the main garden composter. 

I unloaded the dishwasher a second time. 

I made lunch for myself. I heated up a tin of New England chowder that someone had given us. I am the only one who likes it, so I enjoyed two bowls of that with a toasted cheese sandwich and water to drink. 

I looked online and planned out the card I will be making for the bridal shower this weekend.

I read and commented on a blog. I have to bring in the laundry off the line and start making the sides for our pork roast dinner tonight.  

My peonies want to bloom any day now. 

1 comment:

  1. Pitiful?! What I wouldn't give for being able to harvest that many strawberries from my garden, lol!

    You have done 4 hours of weeding in 2 days. Goodness Susan, aren't you tired?! I can't believe you have done as much as you have. See? You say you don't do much but it all goes in spurts, like I do. Some days you're tired and don't want to do much, and others you seem to have an unlimited amount of energy.

    Those peonies look like popcorn kernels that haven't entirely popped. They're going to look so good once they finally open up! I want some of those too. I want a lot of things but I'm not willing to put the work in to make them happen, ha. So I shall enjoy beautiful flowers through your blog. Thanks!
