Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hump Day

Monday's To-Do List simply stated "Clean up downstairs living area".  That should be no problem. Pack a few boxes, clear a few shelves, dust, vacuum and wipe the floor up. Well here I am at Wednesday and NONE of my rooms are completed yet. I have been clearing, packing, dusting but it is much more than I thought. I cleared a few shelves in my dining room and kitchen for my son and his GF to store some of their belongings. They buy and cook their own meals, so we have been sharing the same spaces for OUR stuff when there is only enough space for MY stuff. I have been packing items in boxes for our combined yard sale.
A few dishes and kitchen items.......

but mostly books....notably cookbooks

I have no idea how I have accumulated so many cookbooks. I kept a very few that I can't seem to part with, but the simple truth is that most of my recipes come from the internet. I have printed out my regular standbys and put them in a binder. The cookbooks are being sold or given away. 

I also cleaned up my pantry shelves in the kitchen so that my son's GF could have her own shelves. I placed everything of mine into clean glass mason jars so I can see what is inside and how much of something is left. That is not a photo of my pantry BTW. It is taken from the internet as well. I am hoping that by separating my stuff from theirs  it will  make getting dinner ready  easier as everything will have a place now, instead of cluttering up the counters (of which we have very few). 

After two solid days effort in just the kitchen and dining rooms, I still have a bunch of boxes piled up. The dining room table is still loaded up with items needing to be sorted. I have been slowly clearing out most of my crafting materials and at the same time making room for craft items that can have a permanent home in the dining room because that is where I tend to do most of my card-making. While I have been making headway in these two rooms, my Sweetie has spent quite a bit of time in the entrance room (computer room) and the front hallway. That is where he "stores" most of his tools anyway, but I appreciate that he is making the effort to help. It has been a slow process.

This morning I was at a doctor's appointment to have my physical. Unfortunately I didn't get my lab work done at the same time, so that will be another trip into town. I visited with my friend who was still in the step-down unit, but who is going to be moved to another floor later this afternoon. She is still pale and weak, but looks a whole lot better than she did on the weekend. They had better not rush her home. 

Afterwards, my Sweetie and I went to an auto parts dealer to pick up two new inner tubes, one for my wheelbarrow and one for his dump trailer that he pulls behind his riding lawn mower.  My hubby was able to figure out how to improvise a new axle, so I should have my wheelbarrow in action for when I need to use it. After getting home and eating lunch (I was feeling starved) I felt so very tired and not very receptive to another afternoon of purging, packing or cleaning. So I will stick to the mundane chores of cooking, washing dishes and folding laundry.

 I need a "jump-start" for tomorrow. Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Reading this at the dentist's... You sound like you've done a ton of work! It's unfortunate that it ended up being a much larger job than you anticipated. I wouldn't know how to make 2 people's stuff fit in my house anymore and the kitchen is my domain so I would insist on them eating what I cook... But paying for half, lol.

    I should do what you did with the cookbooks. I really should. Like you most of my recipes nowadays are from the web.

    Just realized that in the reply to your last comment I said that my ex had had a "step" infection. I meant staph infection. Duh.

    How clever of your husband to make a new axle for your favorite wheelbarrow! It's going to save you a bundle!

    Hmm, my only suggestion for tomorrow morning is maybe start on your project without even turning on your computer? I was supposed to be productive this morning and I ended up being online ALL morning. I should do what I preach, lol.
