Thursday, October 25, 2018

Another At-Home Day

I was thinking of going out today to Michael's to look for some printed card stock for making my small gift packaging, but I would hate to go into town just to find out they will not be putting their Christmas stock out on the floor until after Halloween. I will wait until I have a few errands to run so I can group them together. When I picked up my groceries the other day, it was after my cravings workshop. I also took the opportunity to fill the van with gas, go to the bank and visit the post office. So instead of going out today,  I went through the three collections of gifts for my grand kids again and made boxes from heavy white card stock which I was then able to wrap in Christmas wrapping paper.  The rest can wait. I can go back to making my Christmas cards, or Housework. There is no lack of something to do. This afternoon I finished the sixth Xmas project that I started yesterday. Shhh. It's a secret.

I have been trying some strategies for the cravings workshop I am attending. Since eating constantly in front of the TV is a problem for me, I am eating dinner later (around 7:30) at the dining room table with no TV distraction. I eat there until I am satisfied, clean everything up and put away, turn out the lights in the kitchen and dining room and have my last cup of tea in the living room while reading. Then the TV goes on. When I feel like I could go up to my bedroom around 9-9:30, I give myself permission to eat a bowl of blueberries and yoghurt (a treat), again at the dining room table with no TV. After I get ready for bed, I will continue to watch screen programs on my tablet, but I don't feel any cravings for food once in bed. Hopefully, this will break the trigger and I can introduce other changes.

Today I was able to make a big pot of chicken soup with the stock I made. I added the leftovers from the chicken stir fry from last night. From the freezer, I added bits of celery, carrots, green beans, cherry tomatoes, peeled broccoli stem "coins" and cauliflower rice. I ate two bowls for lunch. I also peeled and diced half the 5 lb. bag of turnip, boiled, mashed and put away in the freezer.  Dinner tonight is chili con carne (without the beans), shredded cheese and sour cream.


  1. Well done on making the boxes with what you had on hand until you can shop while running other errands. :) Well done, too, on not snacking after dinner. Your lunch of chicken soup sounds good and tonight's dinner looks good, too! I put aside some of the bones and bits and pieces from the roast chicken in the freezer to make soup, later. Reading about your soup makes me think that I might be making the soup sooner rather than later!

  2. Yes I remember reading that you put away the leftover bits from the roasted chickens in the freezer to make a soup broth. It's nice to make soup when the weather turns cooler. Today for lunch though, I had the leftover chili from last night. I haven't made it in quite a while.
