Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A Wet and Rainy Halloween

I am pretty sure that a little rain will not dampen the enthusiasm of trick-or-treaters tonight. The temperature is mild (at 12 C degrees) and I have been watching the kids as they pass by my window on their way home from school. They look very excited for tonight. I should have cleaned and swept off my verandah yesterday after returning from the cravings workshop because it was a warm sunny day, but I was feeling tired. So I worked on it this morning in the rain, and put out a very few decorations. I sold a lot of them this past Spring in my yard sale, so didn't have much left to work with. That's okay. I have not been able to part yet with my Halloween ceramics, so I still have those and my silk leaf banner. I just set them up on the summer "cooking" table at the end of the deck. The earthenware pickling jar underneath holds my outdoor hand tools for the flower beds, like the trowel, shears, cultivator, etc.  I have a string of orange lights inside the ghost, but I will light some candles to put in both jack o'lanterns.
I will wear my black witch's robes tonight, and I will wear this cute little witch fascinator that my DIL bought for me from Dollarama. It is purple satin, black feathers, lace and netting. And you may or may not be able to see a large purple gemstone on the brim of the hat. I will be a stylin' witch.
Today I took a break from Christmas. It only seemed appropriate on All Hallow's Eve.  I was able to pick up some very lovely Christmas card stock at Michael's on Monday after getting my winter tires installed. It was not the 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch that I was looking for, but for only $12,  I was able to get a huge 12 inch by 12 inch scrap booking paper pad with 48 sheets of card stock.  I have enough to make all kinds of packaging for the Advent gifts and have some leftover to make more cards when I am ready.  Over the last couple of days since then, I was able to more than double my card stash and get several more gifts wrapped. I also got more supplies to work on more Christmas gift projects.
Most of the small gifts I pick up are difficult to wrap, so I love to print out these free gift box templates from the internet onto card stock that I just need to cut out, score and fold, and tape together. It makes life so much simpler, and they look very festive. I always seem to pay more for packaging than the gift is worth. Ha.

Have a good evening. I will be sitting in front of my computer screen here in the front room while waiting for the goblins to arrive. The lights will be off in the rest of the house until about 9 PM, at which point I will turn out the outside light and this room before heading upstairs to my bedroom. Have a terror-ific and spook-tacular time.  Hope you can scare up some fun on this boo-tiful night.


  1. Susan, Happy Halloween to you, too! I love your witch's hat! You'll be a very glamorous witch! And I love your Halloween decorations, too, and that table! Such a wonderful little table! I want one like that! Not sure where I'd put it, but it is lovely!

    I'm glad you were able to get your Christmas card stock; sounds like you got a good deal on them, too. Your packages look very festive and well wrapped. I would have just wrapped everything in tissue paper and/or dollar store gift wrap, even if they were awkwardly shaped! :D

  2. My cooking table is a simple unfinished pine bookshelf with a wood grained counter top (or is it a desk top?) just sitting on top. I noticed in the photo that it isn't even on straight, but it serves a purpose for me. I put my roaster here in the summer to cook my casseroles when I don't want to heat up my kitchen. This Fall, I used it as my potting bench when I was repotting my geraniums and transplanting my perennials to take with me up north. That's why I had to clean up my verandah yesterday. I like the open shelving underneath to hold certain items. And it came in handy yesterday to hold a few decorations. I will also use it for Christmas. So very simple to "construct", but thank you.

  3. Oh, wow, I'd never had known it was a bookshelf with a counter top! I was "studying" the picture to see how I might construct one!
