Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Checklist

So there are things that need to be accomplished before leaving my home for an extended period of time.  In this case, I will only be gone for one week, but there are still things that need doing:

Go to the bank and withdraw cash
Phone in prescription refills (if needed) and pick up
Pick up and pay for Avon order made last week
Use up or freeze perishables in the fridge
Prepare Thanksgiving cards for presenting
Do up laundry
gas up the car
Load up all the transplanted perennials into the van
Bag up all the egg cartons that I save and put them in the van
Pack my suitcase
dye my hair, wax brows and upper lip
water my indoor plants
take garbage and compost out of the house
program my GPS and check routes on Google maps
Load Xmas gifts and suitcase into the van
pack tablet and cell phone and chargers into my purse
bring Thanksgiving cards
Double check that I have my prescriptions with me
Load all dirty dishes into the dishwasher

On Thursday afternoon, while drawing up this list, I realized that I had two eggplants in my crisper drawers that needed to be done up. Yesterday afternoon I made my moussaka so I could have two slices for last night's dinner, two for lunch today and two for tonight's dinner. I have never frozen my cooked moussaka before. Maybe I should  try it to see how it fares?

Then on Thursday night before I went to bed, I washed up two small loads of laundry so I could hang them out on the line. That was the first thing I accomplished from my list yesterday morning. Then I headed off to Amerstview to go to the bank, pick up a prescription,  and pick up a couple more stocking stuffers to finish off the gift bags I am taking with me. I went to the salon next door to the Pharmacy and had a wax. My brows tend to get unruly (wild even) and I have never been able to pluck them into submission. *laugh* I don't cut my hair often, so I spend my salon dollars on this.

I gassed up the car on my way home to  wrap the final gifts. Two of the Autumn cards that I made, I mailed out last week as note cards. The rest of them are being hand-delivered  on Sunday as greeting cards, so I printed out Thanksgiving sentiments about gratitude and  attached them inside the cards where I will just sign my name. Then because the sun disappeared and it became overcast again, I brought the laundry in from the line,  folded and put away. The sun and breeze from the morning was enough to dry them fully. I  will be packing my bag today.

I have put the unopened cold cuts and kielbasa in the freezer and the few remaining fresh vegetables will be used up in my omelet tomorrow morning. The unopened package of mushrooms will be sliced and fried for the freezer, along with the packages of cheese and the remaining bags of milk. It is pouring rain again today. I hope that is not the end of our sunny days in October. I have now completed four of my Christmas projects, but if I have spare time today I will not be starting a fifth. I will instead make up some more cards for my gift sets. When I get back, I will be concentrating on wrapping the Advent calendars and beginning my Christmas cards. Having gone back this morning to read last October's entries, I was correct in thinking I had a late start this autumn. No wonder I am feeling behind. 


  1. That's a very comprehensive list, Susan, and you've already crossed off at least half! Not quite sure when you are leaving, maybe after breakfast, tomorrow? In that case, you'll be busy today, getting all the rest of the things done. I hope you have a safe drive and a wonderful week with your family and friends. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  2. Thank you Bless. Yes I will be leaving for the first Thanksgiving dinner in Charleston Lake just before noon tomorrow. From there I will proceed to Smiths Falls where I will meet up with my Dad and "Dee", my son and his wife, and lots of other people at my brother and SIL's house. I will be staying overnight...maybe two nights. I will be traveling "with" my Dad and "Dee" back to Elliot Lake, but driving my own vehicle. I will stay a week and travel back next Monday. I have been doing the bulk of my chores today and crossing them off the list as they are completed. It finally stopped raining long enough for me to load up the car.
