Monday, June 22, 2020

Beginning of Our Fourteenth Week

While my first cup of coffee was dripping this morning, I went outside the front door to water the three large planters. Two matching planters on either side of the door hold my red shamrocks and down at the bottom of the stairs I have a black plastic urn that my sister has loaned me with 2 English ivy from inside, a viola I transplanted from the lawn and two pink geraniums I overwintered. In the centre,  is the one and only zinnia plant I grew from seed. None of the others came up. It is pretty scraggly looking, so you won't see a photo of it unless it does much better over the summer. Ha.

While having my coffee I am reading blog posts that others have written. I also get a head start on some of my emails. I have my second cup of coffee while I am on my conference call with family members. Afterwards I made my 2 egg omelette with fried mushrooms, chopped zucchini and broccoli, and shredded cheese. I took the kitchen compost out to the garden composter, emptied the dishwasher, and took some chicken thighs out of the freezer.

One of my emails informed me that my Canadian Tire order was ready for curbside pickup, so after the conference call I drove in to pick it up. I hadn't even got my trunk opened when someone met me to get my pickup order number. I was in and out in less than 4 minutes. Crazy fast. When I came home I started a batch of yoghurt. I made up my grocery list and then called the Township office to request a pickup. They will probably call tomorrow to get my list.

 I also called the Gas Utilities to schedule a meter exchange. I called because I wanted to know WHY (in the middle of a pandemic)  they needed to do this now. Two weeks ago they had wanted to do the exchange. They do most of the work outside, but have to come in to relight the pilot lights on the furnace, water heater, and the gas fireplace. I told them two weeks ago that I was uncomfortable with having anyone come inside to do this now. Then on the weekend, I received an email telling me that if I don't arrange the appointment, they will come anyway. They explained to me this morning that  it has to be done before the end of this year. Knowing that this virus COULD be worse in the Fall, I agreed to have them come this Thursday morning. So that's done.

I made a batch of keto buns and took a couple of phone calls. I washed a load of laundry and hung it out on the new clothesline. I emptied my last order of almond flour and coconut flour into mason jars which I keep in the fridge, before I made myself lunch. I decided not to have last night's leftovers for lunch. I would save them for dinner tonight so I would not have to cook in this heat. So I had a bun with lettuce and tuna salad.

I went outside for just a little bit to pull a few weeds and to spray paint a couple of garden "statuary" that were given to me. I happened to have Tremclad spray paint in a gray colour. I'll take a picture tomorrow. They are still very tacky right now. I was bitten or stung while outside because when I came in, the top of my foot was swollen and terribly itchy. I put on some Gold Bond cream and lay on the couch with my feet raised, and know.

When I woke up, I warmed up dinner and ate while watching the evening news. I had another full load in the dishwasher so I turned that on. I brought in the laundry off the line and put it away. I finished shredding all the files downstairs that I pulled a couple of weeks ago., so now  I have another seven bags of shredded paper for the composter. I put the lids on the jars of yoghurt that finished after 7 o'clock and placed them in the fridge. I left the house to go check on the mailboxes. I had a stamp and dies waiting for me. Yay! Rain is supposed to arrive tonight and tomorrow, so I may be able to stay inside to make some more cute cards for the grand kids with the new stamp set.

I think that is a typical day for me lately. It is now 9 PM. I will probably play some on-line games of crossword puzzles and check my emails again before going to bed. I don't really have an opportunity for taking photos. I have no flowers yet. You've already seen my yoghurt making and keto buns (a couple of times), so I came up with these two.

 Two greeting cards I made last week that I haven't mailed out yet. They are from a "House Mouse" stamp set. I think they are just the cutest little creatures. 
This is what I picked up this morning.....some wire brushes, clear lacquer spray and a fancy-dancy sprinkler where I can control the width and direction of the spray field. With rain in the forecast, I won't be able to try it out for a while. Hope everyone had a great day. Stay safe.


  1. Oh, my goodness! I can see just why you needed a nap in the afternoon! You did more before lunch than I've done all day! You are just on the go, non-stop, all day! I take a lot of long breaks in between tasks!

    Well, I guess it's better to get the meter change done sooner rather than later, after all. Just, make sure you wear a mask when they are there and then, spray and disinfect afterwards.

    Your cards are just lovely! The cards I try to make never turn out as cute! But, then, again, I don't do stamping. That House Mouse is too cute!

    Hope your foot is better. Take care.

  2. And did you notice that I didn't get around to do any vacuuming? Ha. There's no excuse not to do it today. The rain came as promised overnight and remains overcast today. I am really happy about that because we really need the rain. I guess all it took was me finally buying a sprinkler for my yard.

    I seem to be taking a lot of afternoon naps lately. I hope it is just a reaction to the heat and humidity.

    I think your cards are lovely. I haven't seen any in a while though. One of my favourite card-makers on-line (whose videos I never miss), is not a stamper or colourist. Her focal points are mainly her sentiments, so her cards are basically centered on design.

    Yes, the swelling has gone down. I am sure I just reacted badly to an insect bite...probably just a mosquito.
