Thursday, June 25, 2020

Sunshine and Groceries

I knew I would be staying at home at least until after  my groceries were delivered, so I had planned out what my morning would look like. The Utilities truck came early to change out the gas meter. In fact, he arrived while I was still on my family conference call. It took only about half an hour, so I just wondered about the back yard pulling a few weeds until he was finished. After he left, I just wiped down all the doorknobs he would  have touched,  light switches, and the banister going down the stairs. I emptied the dishwasher, made my iced tea, and made my omelette before I went out to my van to remove 15 concrete blocks  and line them up alongside the house in the driveway. I think I will use these blocks to expand my front flower bed. "Dee" has more if I need them.

I then stripped the sheets, mattress protector and quilts off my bed and laundered them. They are going into storage and I have since made up the bed with my summer bedding. I intended to do this a couple of weeks ago, but then the temperatures dipped down VERY low. I washed three loads of laundry today, but only hung one load out on the line. I like to dry the sheets in the dryer, so they will be done after 7 PM.

In the meantime my groceries arrived. What a nice surprise. I figured since it took two days to answer my request, I thought the delivery would be late in the day. For three weeks now I have asked for a leg of ham or a pork roast, and each time there was none in stock. Well this week I got lucky. I got a pork shoulder. It cost me $16. Whoa!  I think when I cook this up, I will freeze some portions for later in the summer. They had NO cauliflower (neither fresh nor frozen). I'm glad I asked for a rutabaga. I also got a huge bag of fresh broccoli and some fresh zucchini, so I'm good.

With the groceries disinfected and put away, I drove over to my dad's house to finish the job of shoveling and removing sand. We also found layers of cement and asphalt that we needed to break up and remove. It looks really good now and is ready for next week when the builder puts in the wooden deck and stairs beside the hydraulic lift which will be installed this Saturday. It was a full day. I got home too late to have a nap, but so far I'm good. Maybe I can go to bed earlier  tonight. Have a great evening everyone. Tomorrow is another lovely day. 


  1. I hope you had a jackhammer for the cement and the asphalt If not that is back breaking work!

    1. No jackhammer...just back breaking work. Ha. Luckily the cement pad was already broken up. We just lifted out the pieces with a digging bar and then the two of us could slide them into the wheel barrow (one at a time) to get them out. Asphalt is pretty "crumbly", so much easier to remove.

  2. Wow! Now who is having a productive day and making me feel like a slug? You got so much accomplished!

    I'm so glad your grocery order was delivered and you did manage to get a pork roast. Too bad you couldn't get any cauliflower, but, it sounds like you did get some other vegetables, so, hopefully, it will work out until the next grocery order.

    Hope you were able to have an early night and have a good day, tomorrow.

  3. I learned a bit of a lesson earlier on about not letting my stockpile get too low, so I do have a few extra bags of veggies in the freezer for instances like this when the stores have run out. I still have some frozen oriental veggies, green beans, one bag of cauliflower (that is why I was ordering more), and sliced sweet pepper.

    Isn't it strange how some work days can produce some great results, but other work days you feel like nothing was accomplished.
