Tuesday, June 2, 2020

In the Garden

I started my day by putting in an on-line request for a grocery delivery and then I prepared my list for the week. Yesterday I received an order from Well.ca for some keto supplies (cereal and mayonnaise) and an order from Amazon (not food, but crafting supplies). I made a special birthday card that "Dee" had requested because the thought of going outside to battle the blackflies did not appeal yesterday. So because I felt guilty about that, I felt I had to spend some time outside today. I wore jeans and sprayed myself down with bug spray, including under my sun hat, and proceeded outdoors. I still cannot face digging up more sod yet to make a flower bed, so instead I removed grass and weeds from between the sidewalk pavers. After that, I poured my homemade  weed killer (one cup of salt to one gallon of white vinegar with a dash of dish detergent) between the pavers to take care of the roots. It looks really good now.
 I bet you weren't even aware that this sidewalk existed in front of the veggie garden. It leads from the deck to the side yard, and it was completely overgrown.
This other sidewalk is now cleared. And if you forgot what it looked like while I was digging up the sod, have a look....

It will probably get dirtied and muddied again when I start digging up the other side where I want to plant flowers, but it will be much easier now to keep cleaned now that I have removed the grasses and weeds between the slabs. All the tomato cages now have a tomato plant growing at the bottom of them. In the second photo you will notice that I have placed glass jars over the beefsteak tomatoes because they are still pretty small. I will eventually plant my pepper starts alongside the cages by the sidewalk.

I started some cucumber and zucchini seeds in peat pots because I didn't want to attract the squirrels to my garden again. I have since thrown coffee grounds over both gardens, but it may be too late for the seeds I planted. I will wait to see if any beans start to come up by next week. I have also planted a packet of nasturtium seeds, some in peat pots and some directly in planters. Keeping my fingers crossed that they all come up. I don't plan to visit any nurseries this Spring, so I am putting all my trust  in seeds.

I turned on my outside water tap and hooked the hose up to it so I could water my transplanted tomatoes and hose down the newly cleaned sidewalks. I certainly earned my supper tonight. Maybe tomorrow I can start on the flower bed.


  1. Nothing like growing things is there? My flowers are still a little lackluster, but the veggies are growing like mad.

    1. The geraniums I overwintered inside look pretty dismal, but having been taken outside and repotted last week and the week before, I can see new growth already. I know that they will look full and fantastic in the summer. I'm glad your veggies are going gangbusters. Mine are not...yet. But we had record low temps on the weekend, so I am not surprised.

  2. You accomplished a LOT in the garden! Wow! I hope all your seeds come up and reward you with a lovely and productive garden!

  3. I hope so too Bless. I have started some perennial seeds indoors. I have never been successful growing from seed in the past, but this Spring has brought new challenges. Besides making sure they have enough moisture, I am trying to use more patience. Knowing that I have to work with what I have, has given me a new motivation and that includes making garden beds where there were none before.
