Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Heat on Tuesday

I knew yesterday that temperatures were going to rise today along with the humidex. I don't much like working outside in heat, so I decided to do as much as I could yesterday. Perhaps I could finish sifting out the rocks and roots from the tiny section from where I had removed the sod. I did that, and then forgot to take a photo until after I lay down the black plastic, cardboard and newspaper flyers.
 I can also tell you that it was impossible to get any closer to the fence (and paved driveway) because the topsoil there was just to rocky...just like on the other side of the sidewalk where I put the veggie garden. So, when I cleared this bed, I dug up the irises anyway and moved them to sit on top of this area. On the other side of the sidewalk, I placed a planter.
 Over top of the cardboard and newspapers, I spread 5 bags of shredded paper from the desk files that I shredded a couple of weeks ago before back filling with the screened topsoil. There were so many rocks and roots that came out of here, that there was barely enough to cover it back in.

That means that when I get back out there to work, I will be piling the triple mix in this bed. I don't think there is 6 inches of dirt here now. If I want to plant perennials in here, I will need to put in a lot of soil. I can't show you how many bins of rock and stone I removed (I lost count), but here is a photo of some roots I dug out.
I still need to gather these up and place in paper compost bags I bought at the lumber yard earlier in the spring. I didn't even bother to clean up yesterday afternoon. After shoveling all the screened topsoil back into the bed it was 2:30 in the afternoon. I came inside, showered, had lunch, and fell asleep for an hour. I am very glad I finished up as much as I did. Today is very warm and Rocky and I are staying indoors and taking it easy. Tomorrow there are thunder storms moving into the area and lots of rain. By Saturday we are supposed to cool right down, so great working weather again. I am kind of disappointed that this area is not very big. I ran out of steam obviously. But it is definitely wider than the other side of the sidewalk, and if I am so inclined to work on it further during the summer, I can. Someday, I hope to have it developed down to the end of the sidewalk to mirror the other side.

Today I baked a keto loaf, made a big salad for lunch, and made a masculine birthday card for my BIL this month. Rocky and I had our obligatory walk around the block at 7:30 this morning, so we could stay out of the heat today. This may be a good afternoon for a wee nap.


  1. You have done a ton of work and all by yourself, too! You put me to shame! I think it will be fine if you continue to clear a small portion of the yard at a time. You are going to have a lovely garden, eventually. :)

    1. Thank you Bless. It is solitary work which I don't mind at all. It is kind of like meditation. I just need to remember that it isn't a race. I can take my time with it now and just keep adding to it slowly. It's not like I have a ton of plants anyway.

  2. You have really gotten a lot done! Impressive!

  3. Thank you Anne. I spent a week out there just digging and screening top soil and just could not see any progress at all until yesterday. I decided at that point that I had cleared enough dirt, rocks, roots away that I could finally lay down a weed barrier and call it quits. It isn't as big an area as I felt it should be, but it is big enough for now.
