Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Another shopping trip to Food Basics

Meat and proteins.......$26.92
Boneless, skinless chicken was on for $3.44 a lb. I don't usually buy chicken this way because it is expensive, but I decided to splurge. Bacon was 2.88 and the four 1 lb. packages of lean ground beef was $15. The ground beef was not on sale but I am completely out. Omega 3 eggs were on sale for $2.47 a dozen but they were sold out. There will be more tomorrow.
             Produce and juice.........$ 4.34  

Each cauliflower cost  97 cents each. The grapes were on sale for 97 cents a pound.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Gay Lee whipped cream was on sale for $1.99. The blocks of cheese cost $3.97 each, and the spreadable cream cheese was on for $2.49.

Household cleaners.............$12.99

This dishwasher detergent is usually $4 more. Although I don't need it right now, I took advantage of the price. I have made my own dishwasher detergent in the past, and I will use it in a pinch, but I do not like it as much as this stuff. This comes out of my grocery budget. 

Hallowe'en candy...........$38.97

The Hallowe'en candy comes out of my food budget. Do I need so much? Yes I do. Because we live right on the Main street of our village, we often get well over 100 kids. I generally give out 2 bite-sized candy bars or 2 small bags of candy.  If there are any left, I will use them as candy gifts for the Advent calendars. The bandaids and toothpaste would normally come out of the budget as well, but in this case, I will wrap them up as Advent gifts. The money spent on these will come from another source.

Total groceries spent today is $95.64
Total spent to date is $193.63

I also stopped at Michael's with a 50% off coupon to pick up some red tape (super strong adhesive tape) for putting my little boxes and Christmas packages together. I also picked up a couple of items for Advent gifts. I am feeling very tired. I want to lie down for a bit, but I also need to wash, cut up and freeze my three heads of cauliflower. I should also shred my cheese for the freezer. Otherwise, I may discover it gone before I can use it in dinner recipes. I'll sleep first, then work. 

Dinner last night at my friend's house was so delicious. She made a wonderful salad and quiche from which  she shared the leftovers with me at the end of the evening. I had the quiche for lunch today, and there is enough salad for me to share with my guys at dinner. 


  1. I can't believe how much more expensive your chicken is because it goes on sale for $1.99 per pound here and that is my cheapest meat even more then ground beef which I can't get under $2.99 now I think. Also, how big our those cheese blocks. Could they be shaped differently then cheese in the US? Seems weird that we would have different shaped cheese but yours looks huge! I just realized how many things that we had coming up with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my son's birthday. I usually stock up slowly and have a bunch of things that I have to dole out slowly but with the move, I have nothing for anything for the next few months. I have lots to catch up on!! It sounds like you are going to have lots!

    1. I enlarged the picture to check the size of the blocks of cheese before I read your comment, Alison, and they're 400 grams, which is 14 oz and some.

    2. Chicken is expensive here. I have often remarked to Nathalie how I envy her prices on chicken (and eggs). I usually buy chicken legs and quarters which I roast and then remove the meat to use in casseroles and stews and such. Then I simmer the bones of course to make my own stock.

      The cheese blocks were 500 gm (just a little over one pound) until this past year. Then slowly more and more producers started packaging into smaller amounts while keeping the same price. This is still a very good sale price for us. It is a store brand cheese.

  2. You got awesome deals on your produce, Susan! I think cauliflower is still around $1.69 here and the grapes went back up to $1.69/lb last week :(

    I like splurging and getting the boneless skinless chicken breasts once in a while too. It's so much easier when it comes time to cook dinner. I hate having to debone chicken. That being said, I do like making the stock with the bones.

    I also love Finish for my dishes! I tried making my own dishwasher liquid detergent but something went wrong with the recipe so I use the cheap liquid from Aldi. Once in a while Finish will have a "Try Me Free" rebate so I get it then. My dishes are noticeably cleaner when I use that, I must say.

    When we first moved into our neighborhood (in October, 13 years ago), all the neighbors came by to warn us to have a lot of candy for Halloween because a ton of kids usually showed up. And they didn't lie. Trucks would bring kids from other neighborhoods. Since then, it's really dwindled, especially since the economic crisis and since new subdivisions were built around our little town. Also we have several churches down the street that put on a Fall Festival to attract families so then I guess they don't feel like doing double duty by taking the kids trick or treating. People in our area are mostly older people without little kids so they stopped handing out candy and even decorating and since our kids have passed the age of trick or treating and having people come to the door really REALLY stresses me, we've stopped doing it as well. On Halloween night, we turn off all the lights and close the blinds. On the frugal side of things, it saves us tons of money.

    Hmm, I love quiche. I should make some for lunch since I have some kale and spinach that need to be used up.... hmmm...

  3. When I worked, I always dressed up in costume. I love Hallowe'en. I love seeing the kids' costumes when they are trick or treating, and most of the parents who walk with their kids, also dress in costume. Even High School students dress up and visit our neighbourhood for treats. My decorations and my costume on that night are of the "cute" variety.....not spooky at all. One year I came home from work still in my witches costume with green face makeup, warts, long black fingernails and spiders in my long gray wig. After making supper, I still had not had time to change out of costume before the first kids came to the door. I was met with screams of terror. I really frightened those little kids. So now I make sure to be "not so scary". Lol.

    Yes. I am so glad I found this price on the cauliflower. I will probably wish that I had bought more; however, I need to find room in my freezer for this.

    1. LOL, you even put spiders in your wig, that's awesome :)

      Last time I froze some cauliflower and then cooked and mashed it (I love mashed cauliflower), all I got was whole lot of water and almost no cauliflower. I was so disappointed!

      Good luck finding room in your freezer! It's like a a game of Tetris over here.
