Sunday, October 4, 2015

Quick update to October Shopping

Shopper's Drug Mart........$50.00

This is a quick update to yesterday's post. My husband was going to Amerstview to pick up prescriptions for all three of us, so I asked him to buy a Shopper's gift card. When you buy a store gift card, you get points for what you pay, as well as points for the merchandise that you buy with the card. (kind of like double-dipping) Anyways, I asked him to pick up milk  ($3.97 regular price), one can of mushroom soup for 79 cents (on sale, but not a huge sale, so only one can) and two jars of instant coffee. The frugal fail was my not paying attention to the flyer. He paid $3.49 each for the Maxwell House, but if I had sent him in one day later, it would have only cost $2.99 each. The sale flyer announced clearly that it was a 2-day sale, but only on Sunday and Monday. It is still a sale price, but not the price I wanted. Lesson learned. The total came to 11.74
There was still $1.22 left on last month's card and 10.52 taken off this new card, so there is $39.48 left on the card for bread and milk and ??? for this month of October.  So far, I have spent $97.99 of my $300 food budget. 

In my kitchen I have four of these old track light fixtures that I love. They are directional so I can have light directed to my main working areas. However, three of the four compact fluorescent bulbs are gone. Before I change out the bulbs I wanted to wash the dust and sticky ugly kitchen grease off the fixtures. That took some time, but now that it is done, it feels so good. I will be able to see what I am doing now. Ha. 

On Friday night, we "entertained" our son's girl friend again. I had to clean off the "crafting table" again. I used one of those eye of round roasts that I picked up for dirt cheap and cooked  in a slow oven most of the day. It was fan-ta-bulous. I will see about picking up some more if I can. I cooked the roast because my free  turkey had not thawed yet. So yesterday, turkey is what we had for dinner, using up 3 packages (15 cups) of bread cubes from my freezer to make the stuffing. That is why I had to have the celery this weekend. We will have another turkey dinner tonight, but I have already cleaned the rest of the meat from the carcass and frozen it. I have also frozen the carcass to make turkey soup one day....but not this week. This coming weekend is our Canadian Thanksgiving and we are going for turkey supper at Charleston Lake on Sunday, and one in Smith Falls on Thanksgiving Monday. Good thing we love turkey. And good thing we have friends and family who are willing to feed us. 

This weekend I have washed, line dried and folded three super loads of laundry. 

I have made more laundry detergent, Miracle Spray Cleaner and Dog Biscuits.

I brought in most of my green tomatoes. I'm afraid one of these nights we will have frost. I also brought in my three tiny green peppers that did not do well this year. And can you believe it? I harvested more green and purple beans. 

Last night I attended a fund-raising concert with three of my friends. It was a trio of female vocalists who also played keyboard and guitar, and they performed in one of the local churches. Beautiful music soothes the soul. Hope your weekend was grand. 


  1. Sounds like you had a busy weekend! I'm totally guilty of not paying close enough attention to dates on the flyers and showing up on the wrong date, expecting sales prices that weren't in effect yet or had already expired. So annoying!

    The Miracle Spray sounds interesting. I wonder where I would find the eucalyptus oil. Is that something that you readily find in stores in Canada? What about the soda, is that washing soda or baking soda?

    I had to enlarge your picture to see if your milk was sold in bags. LOL. I can't tell if the bag is just a carrying bag for bottles that would be inside or if it's indeed sold in a bag. If it's in a bag, isn't it hard to manage when you just want to pour a little bit? Is it hard to store in the fridge?

    1. The blog is from Australia and so some of the terms are even foreign to me. The soda is washing soda, which I buy anyway to make my own laundry detergent, and I substitute the Eucalyptus oil for any other essential oil that I have. This last batch has peppermint oil (from the Dollar Store) and I have used Cinnamon oil in the past. I don't know if Eucalyptus oil has antiseptic properties or not. If that were the case, I could substitute tea tree oil. I should "google" that. The recipe made enough for 2 and 1/2 spray bottles.

      And yes, our milk is stored in bags and/or cartons. I guess bags are a Canadian thing. Those three bags are equivalent to 4 litres. Each bag slips into a milk pitcher made specifically to hold the milk bags. I will include a photo in my post today. I am so used to these bags (since forever) that I forgot they might be foreign to some.

    2. Isn't that funny because in the US, we can either get paper cartons or plastic jugs but never bags. I guess it makes sense if you put it in something reusable in the fridge for storage. Can't wait to see the picture. Who knew milk was something you needed to take a picture of :) When we went to England, our favorite trip of the day was to go to the grocery store because they had so many new and different things that we got to experience. Sad that was the highlight since we went to castles and other things but true. Interesting tip on the double credit for the gift cards but seems like a good system to get more points!!

    3. Ions ago I worked at EPCOT's International Programs at Walt Disney World and part of my job was to take the International students who work at the various World Showcase pavilions on their first grocery shopping trip in the USA. They spent more time taking pictures of everything than actually shopping, lol. It was fun. I love going to grocery stores abroad although it was very disappointing, when I went to France this summer, to see that nowadays everyone sells the same thing: same cereal as here, same candy, same cookies. It's all one big bland supermarket, everywhere. Sure, there are differences, but not as many as there used to be. I don't think it's a good thing, lol! I wonder why they sell the milk in bags in Canada. I should look it up. Does it produce less waste? Is it easier to transport?

      Do you ever have problems, Susan, with the milk leaking in your car if it gets punctured by something? I've dropped gallons of milk when I opened my trunk before so I'm no stranger to milk waste...

  2. I like to check out grocery stores in other countries as well. The U.S. does have a few different offerings, just like I think Canada has its own brands. When I did grocery shopping in Mexico, it was at a Wal Mart. The products are mainly the same but there are definitely differences. We bought "freshly made that day" tortillas rather than bread, fresh chorizo sausage, lots of different fish and vegetables that looked foreign to me. But it is really fun to compare and try out different things.
