Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Cheque for $30 from Pinecone Surveys
Yesterday's mail brought me this cheque for $30 which I asked for from Pinecone Surveys. I have been doing surveys for almost a year. It pays about $3 a survey...not a whole lot, but it will go into my "found money" jar. Yes, that is Christmas wrapping paper you see there. I have finally started to wrap up the kids' Advent calendar presents and I write down each gift as I wrap it under the child's name (in the notebook at top left.)

This morning I decided to make raisin oatmeal cookies for the boys. The two apple pies are gone, and there are no sweets for them. The little snack bag to the left of the plates, contains the little green peppers I brought in on Sunday. Like I said, there is only enough for Pizza. 

Oatmeal raisin cookies

After Thanksgiving this weekend, it is time once again for the Girls' Week-end. You will remember we went to Atlantic City last Fall for a whole week. It was so wonderful, that we decided to have another week in a timeshare. This time however, we will not be going across the border. The decline of our Canadian dollar is the main reason we are staying in Ontario. We will be staying in Cobden  in the Renfrew region. There is one day where we have purchased tickets to watch "Menopause: the Musical" in the city of Ottawa. Other than that, we have made no plans yet. But I can tell you that it will be a lot of fun. And if the timing is right, the leaves will be at their peak of colour. So tonight we are all meeting in Kingston to have dinner together at the place of one of the girls, and we will discuss what we will bring from home in the line of food and drink. Because it is a timeshare, we can do all or most of our own meals. There will be some eating out; but hopefully, not that much.

This afternoon, I switched out my summer clothes for my winter wardrobe. I'm always glad when that gets done. Tomorrow, I need to start making up some Thanksgiving cards for this weekend. I will try to keep them simple. Have a great afternoon. 



  1. Sounds like you have a lot of fun events planned for the Fall! I hope you get to eat lots of pumpkin pie!

    Your cookies look delicious, YUM. And a $30 check is awesome! What do you do with your "found money"? Do you keep it as "fun money" for your Girls' Weekend?

    I still don't have any idea of what to get anyone for Christmas, much less have anything to wrap yet. Ugh. I think that I'll give them each a gift card for St. Nicolas (December 6) with some candy. And at this point they might just each get another gift card for Christmas. It's hard when the kids grow up and then have their own lives and then you don't even know what they have/want/need anymore. I think they might appreciate the cash more, anyway... I might just stuff their stockings with lots of chocolates.

  2. I have never gotten anything from the survey things. I did a few different ones but they made me go through things and I never qualified but it took forever for them to get to that and I got no credit. Good job with $30!!

  3. What do I do with "Found Money"? Well I only just started a couple of months ago. I thought I would just save any money I found while cleaning or doing laundry, instead of just adding it to the grocery money. Maybe at the end of November I will count it up. I have no idea how much I have. I am not expecting much, but it will be a surprise. I will probably just put it towards savings.

    I start my Advent calendars early because I need to ship the boxes out to Vancouver by mid-November. The kids have to have them by the first day in December. I use candy only three times. Everyone gets a new toothbrush and toothpaste. Everyone gets a Christmas decoration. I wrap craft items, stationary items, toiletries, make-up, jewelry and hair accessories, small toys, books, stickers, etc. The hardest one to buy for is my grandson in University; but, I can buy disposable razors, small packs of Tylenol, ear buds, and the like. I can keep the costs down better on the younger kids to splurge more on the older ones. The bandaids I bought yesterday are the exception. But I have a few things wrapped that cost well under a dollar. ie a packet of pencils or pens can be repackaged for 3 different kids. Hot chocolate packets can be repackaged with a few marshmallows and a candy can into "Snowman Soup" with a cute little verse. Pinterest, people.
