Friday, October 9, 2015

Happy Long Weekend

Homemade pizza last night

This morning I started out with cleaning up my counters. I made homemade pizza yesterday for dinner, but was too tired afterwards to clean up the floured work surface. I got the dishes washed up and all the ingredients put away before dinner, but after dinner I just crashed in front of the TV. So that is what I woke up to this morning. Since I had a sink full of warm soapy wash water, I also cleaned the inside of my microwave oven and the outside of my fridge. I got out the vacuum and cleaned the floors in the living room, dining room and kitchen. I washed the downstairs bathroom. I wish every day started like that.

My son's GF is coming for dinner tonight, so I will roast the chicken breasts I bought 2 days ago. That guessed it...I have to clean off my "crafting table" yet again. I have been both wrapping small Christmas gifts and making Hallowe'en cards and Thanksgiving cards this past week. But I will get back at it tomorrow. Today is the start of a long Thanksgiving weekend. I will be stuffing my face with turkey and dressing and lots of different vegetables on both Sunday and Thanksgiving Monday. Yahoo. I will try and remember to take more photos to share next week. 

My dad went by ambulance to the hospital last night. It turns out he may have a gastric problem, but the good news is they don't think he will need surgery. They are admitting him for a couple of days to run some more tests (he has had an X-ray and blood work already), but don't expect anything too serious. The doctors thought that it might be a blockage in the small intestine but have since changed their minds. He was feeling much better this morning after being on IV for a while and getting some fluids in him.  

Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all you Canadians and Happy Columbus Day to all you Americans. Have a great weekend. 


  1. I can't believe how busy you've been! No wonder you were exhausted. It'll be nice for you to just kick back and enjoy the Thanksgiving Feast that your friends are cooking, I bet. I hope you have a wonderful time.

    You must be very relieved to hear the doctors being so encouraging with your dad's medical health. I do hope he is alright. Is he upset to have to spend his Thanksgiving in the hospital? Does he live near you?

    Columbus Day isn't much celebrated anymore, at least down here, due to the "recent" awareness that he actually helped exterminate a bunch of people (that's probably not the most accurate way of describing it but that's the message you read whenever he's mentioned nowadays). I know our county's offices will be closed due to Columbus Day but my library only has a sign saying that it will be closed on Monday due to a "staff development meeting". I haven't even seen any commercials for Columbus Day sales, which I remember seeing as early as last year.

    My son's GF came today too with just a 30 minute notice and I wondered how much notice YOU get, lol. When he asked if she could come over, I was still in my PJs, the house was a mess, ugh. I got quite a bit of it done during 30 minutes but I still had to tell her to ignore the dirty dishes... and now it's almost 4 p.m. and I still haven't done them. Ugh. I need to do them before Greg gets home in a few hours!

    Do you make your own pizza dough? they look very good!

    Have a great weekend, Susan and hubby! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. My Dad lives in Elliot Lake, which is about 7-8 hours north of us. No, he won't be upset about being in there over Thanksgiving, as he has been out a few times already this week for turkey dinner. He will be upset if he doesn't have a TV in his hospital room. Lol. He won't want to miss the Blue Jays baseball game tonight or the hockey game tomorrow night. He loves his sports.

  3. Oh I forgot. The Pizza crust is a recipe from the Prudent Homemaker. It is very quick and easy. You don't have to proof the dough. It makes a thin crust and we all like it very much. Also, I will tell my Sweetie that Nathalie wishes him a great weekend. He'll like that.
