Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I am back and ready to start Christmas

It's free. What can I say?

When I returned home on Saturday afternoon, this freezer was waiting for me on the front porch. It is black, has a few dents in it, but it is scrupulously clean inside and is a little bigger than the one I use now. Best of all, it cost us nothing. In order to bring it inside, I had to find a place for it. I decided it would fit perfectly in the entrance room, where we have our desk and computer and where we hang our jackets and take off our shoes. However, that meant moving the 60 gallon aquarium out of there and finding a space for it. I decided it would go into our family room. 

The 60 gallon Coi tank

I had to empty all the water and gravel, filters, aerators, and "toys", and clean everything very well before setting it back up. This was a full day's work, except for the 2 1/2 hours I slept afterwards. I still have to put the background vinyl up around the back of the tank. This morning I emptied and unplugged the smaller freezer to defrost it.  I emptied the contents into the larger freezer which has been plugged in since yesterday afternoon. It was a good time to take inventory and decide how I will pack everything back in both freezers. I will now be able to empty and clean the freezer in my refrigerator and decide what I will keep in there. Over the past two days I have been cooking up some dried pinto beans and red kidney beans to put in one of the freezers, because we are out and I had no where to put them up until now. I will have room now to put extra meals and my Christmas baking once I get started on that. I am so very grateful for this new addition. 

I have been busy doing "catch up" since coming back. I made a chicken stock from a frozen carcass to make soup for all of this week. I have been cooking our meals from leftovers from the fridge and with the food I brought back with me from our week in Cobden. I have not had to buy anything except two loaves of bread that was prepaid with our Shopper's gift card. I have done up some laundry and even dried some of it outside on the clothesline because it was so nice on the weekend. We have rain today and tomorrow and then some much colder temperatures. I have removed the air conditioning units from the bedroom windows, made sure all windows are closed tightly and locked. I have talked with some family members and read my emails and blogs. I am realizing today that October is ending and I have no idea where it has gone. What did I accomplish this past month??? I have no clue, but I had better pull up my big girl pants and get busy for Christmas. 

It was a beautiful week away.....calm, peaceful, and restorative.

I will catch you up this week on some of the vacation photos and activities of my week away with the girls. I even managed to get in a little shopping for more Advent Calendar presents which I will need to get done pronto. I trust that everyone is well and in good spirits. 


  1. You got a free, huge, freezer?! How awesome!! I do tend to think of Canada as one big freezer though... couldn't you have just buried your meals in the backyard? LOL, just kidding, Susan.

    That picture of the autumn leave colors you posted is gorgeous. Is that where you stayed? I'm glad you had a good time and can't wait to read all about it.

    I can't believe the end of October is here already... the month seems to have passed in a flash. I want the holidays to be over, already. I always get stressed at holiday time because of family dynamics. On the "good news" both my oldest sons confirmed that they would really appreciate the cash for Christmas so I guess I don't have to go shopping for them at all, which is a relief and an annoyance at the same time because that means much less under the tree and I love seeing a sea of gifts under the tree at Christmas. But the reality is that the kids are growing and we need to downsize accordingly... I resisted buying the Star Wars Lego Advent calendar for my 13 year-old (not that he asked for it but I know he loves those since I use to buy them). He has BINS of Legos, and most of them are already Star Wars Legos anyway. I think I'll just fill out our generic Advent calendar with some of the mini chocolate bars that I got for me yesterday (240 pieces in a bag so I can spare a few!). Unless the dermatologist next week tells me to stop feeding him candy...

    It's good to read you again, welcome back!

  2. The Autumn picture I posted was a photo I took on my Blackberry on the way to Cobden. I still have to download my pictures from my camera before I can post them here. Today I was wrapping more Advent calendar presents, so didn't get around to that yet. I also did some grocery shopping at two different places, but neglected to take pictures of that either. I will have to do a synopsis.
    I know you were joking about Canada as one big freezer, has been known to happen around the holidays that we have needed to freeze leftovers outside, safe from animals. We have placed food in our porch, shed and the trunk of our car. Lol.

    1. Ha! This is hysterical :) Here we often joke that we could bake cookies on the dashboard of our cars during the summer. I've heard of long-distance truckers cooking food on top of their truck engine while they drive! Necessity is the mother of invention, right?
