Monday, May 30, 2016

Day Book: May 30/16

Before I even drank my morning coffee, I was cleaning my window beside the computer. And so my day begins.

Outside my window....
You cannot see the difference, but I sure can...clean window

I am thinking...of my sweet friend who had abdominal surgery a month ago. She was taken by ambulance back into the hospital Saturday night with low BP, low sodium and low electrolytes, and a high white blood cell count which normally indicates infection. They are unable to find infection but are keeping her in isolation  for a few days. She was severely dehydrated upon entry, so she is hooked up to IV and all kinds of monitors. When I saw her in the unit last night, she was finally able to keep down solid food again and looked so much better than she did on Friday, when we hooked up her AC unit. I regret not forcing her to go with me to Emerg that day, but she appears to be on the mend again. 

I am thankful for....a place to live and food to eat every day. I served 79 street people with my team last night at St. Andrew's church in Kingston. They were given baked chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, wax beans with baby carrots, Caesar salad and a bread roll with butter. Dessert was homemade apple or rhubarb crisp with ice-cream, tea, coffee, or cold juices.  One member of our team is a professional musician who plays guitar and sings during the meal. We are always thanked profusely at the end by our patrons who really seem appreciative of our efforts. 

From the kitchen...I have baked nothing this week. I have not been eating any sugar for a week, and my Sweetie is still working on the 4 liters of ice-cream in the freezer. I was gifted the rest of the mashed potatoes, gravy, cooked veggies, and 3 bread rolls left over from the dinner last night. I froze smaller portions of the gravy last night. The mashed potatoes can cover a half portion of shepherd's pie for my hubby, and the veggies I will put into a soup later in the week. 

I am yoga capris and red T-shirt.

I am creating....a "to-do" list of things I really want to accomplish this week before my son and his GF return from California this weekend. I want to have all the main living areas cleaned thoroughly with items for the yard sale neatly stacked away in only ONE room. 

I am the annual Picton Cheese Festival this Sunday with my brother and SIL. They buy me a ticket and take me there as my Christmas present. It has always been a wonderful day long event where we can visit and buy cheeses from all parts of Canada and also wines from the Picton county vineyards. Yum. 

I am emails and "subscribed to blogs" and nothing more. I don't have time to read. 

I am hoping.....we get rain soon. It is very dry here and is holding up my plans to get my veggie garden in. 

I am hearing.....the dishwasher running. I was too tired last night to load up and wash. The dog is snoring while he sleeps on the tile floor beneath my feet. I hear a jet plane flying overhead, and when there is no traffic noise from the road just outside my window, I can hear birds calling to each other from my backyard. 

Around the house....there is a big fat mess. Sometimes it just feels overwhelming to me. Where do I start? A "to-do" list might keep me on track to success. 

One of my favourite things.... is my AC window unit in my bedroom. We have had to use it every night this week to cool the room down for sleeping. We don't have central air  (Mind you I wouldn't say no to central air); but fortunately, it is not yet a need. With windows open and  electric fans circulating the air, it is still comfortable enough inside. 

A few plans for the rest of the week.....Between my hubby and myself, there are medical appointments every day this week. The rest of the time, I will keep slugging away at my "to-do" list. 

Here is a picture I am sharing... It is a photo of my front "lawn" in front of the main house. I used to have grass in front of the house, but then decided to turn this smaller portion into all flower bed. In the forefront of the picture is Flax. It blooms all summer and I love the colour of blue. The large drifts of white is Snow-in-Summer. I have a two tiered planter crying out to be planted and some dead stuff that I pulled last week and never removed to the compost. *laugh*


  1. Grrrr, I want to come over and pick all your flowers, nay, your whole front yard and transplant it in mine, darn it! So gorgeous! I love the wild look like this! It looks so nice with your little stone wall. So much character, not like my boring front yard.

    You'd been talking about your dirty window for quite a while so I'll bet you felt very good about cleaning it! I like seeing what you see when you sit at your computer :)

    So sorry to hear about your friend being back in the hospital. I hope they find what ails her and are able to get her back on her feet pronto.

    Kudos to you for not having caved in to sugar at all! I don't know how you do it! Man, if I could live without sugar, I'd be thin in no time. Are you doing the no white flour thing too? I think you said you were... Aren't you happy you didn't irrationally decide to go on a no cheese diet? I'd love to go to that festival, I luuuuuurrrve cheese. Can't wait to see your pictures. Please take pictures of the cheeses. All of them. Thank you!

  2. Okay. Pictures of cheese coming up. *laugh*
