Thursday, December 1, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

I have to wait for my bin of outdoor Christmas lights to come up from the basement, but I have started to decorate the outdoors a bit. I have planted up my 3 front yard planters with branches of yellow and red dogwood that I have in my yard.. I cut smaller branches of Juniper (also from our back yard) to surround the edges of the planter. I used some red and gold embellishments with items I had on hand. I only bought 3 gold stars from the Dollar Tree for this project. I will try and send a photo tomorrow. I have hung some fake evergreen garland across the verandah railing, and I hung my new red metal star wreath on the fence. But before I could hang anything on my fence, I had to cut and remove all the grape vine that had grown along the top over the course of the summer. It looks pretty during the summer and especially the Fall, and it will grow back quickly again come Spring. I also pruned back my hydrangea bush and my clematis vine.

My Sweetie's radiation treatments were to have begun on Tuesday but were cancelled because one of the machines broke down. We still had to go in though because the Assistive Devices unit wanted to see him about his defibrillator and take measurements. I managed to get in a little Christmas shopping afterwards. So on Wednesday, we got in for the first treatment. Because it was the first one, it took a little time because of the explanations and we received some more reference material to read regarding possible side effects and how to deal with them. The Cancer Clinic will only book ahead 3 appointments at a time, and they are all over the day schedule. For instance, yesterday was at 12:05. Today's was scheduled for 10:15, and tomorrow we go in for 2:45 It makes planning anything beyond those 3 days impossible. Weekends are clear however. Although the days are broken up, I have still managed to buy some things, wrap up some of them, and make more cards. I am still getting the dishes and laundry caught up, but I haven't been able to stay abreast of emails and blogs very much.

Today was December first, and my Sweetie and I were allowed to open our Advent Calendars. Mine came from the Body Shop and must have cost a pretty penny. My Sweetie's is a collection of white cotton drawstring bags with treasures inside. Today he got a scratch ticket and I got Spiced Apple shower gel.
Beautiful box from the Body Shop

Numbered boxes inside the covers of the gift

Not a winner, but lots of fun. My Sweetie loves lottery tickets. My spiced apple shower gel.


  1. Sounds like you are getting ready for Christmas! Your outdoor decorations sound very pretty. I used to put up lights, but now, I limit my outdoor decorations to a wreath on the front door.

    I'm sorry the radiation treatments are not scheduled at the same time, each day. Mine were at the same time in the morning, so I didn't have to think about it. But it sounds like you are taking it all in stride. I hope the side effects won't be too bad. Keeping you both in my prayers as your Sweetie goes through this phase of the treatments.

    Nice Advent gifts! I'm glad you got something to help pamper you in the days to come. :)

  2. Yes, it would be nice to have them all the same time of day, but we will go with the flow. I don't know why they do it this way. We don't see our Radiology Doctor until after Monday's treatment. I could ask him, but I know that every other person in the waiting room has probably expressed the same frustration. And there are a lot of people who go through that Cancer Unit. It is kind of scary really.

    Yesterday's treatment went by very quickly. He was taken right away, and fifteen minutes later he was delivered to me. I do a little knitting in the main Waiting area, so I can say that I have accomplished something. Maybe next week I can address Christmas cards??

    1. My radiation treatments, too, took very little time. 10-15 minutes and I was done. Addressing Christmas cards would be a good activity. One year, I was on jury duty just before Christmas and I was able to get all my cards written while I waited in the juror waiting room!
