Friday, November 2, 2018

An Extended Break From Christmas Prep

Halloween is over but I have not yet got back into making Christmas cards or gifts. I have been working on something else, but I will tell you about it over the weekend. I put away all the decorations from Halloween and today I went into town for a little grocery shopping. I didn't buy a lot so I don't think it will last the two weeks, but we will see. I left my options open to visit another grocery store  later this week, if I still feel up to it.
 I spent $21 on frozen produce...2 kg. of blueberries, 4 packages of winter veggies and 1 of oriental.  The only fresh vegetable I bought was a small head of cabbage for $1.81  I still have 2 zucchini from the last shopping trip
Dairy cost me $26.59  Look at all those no-name brands I buy. The eggs were only $1.88 a doz.
I bought more meat for $17.27  (Italian sausage and 4 chicken legs with backs attached). Tonight I am having left over pork roast that I cooked up yesterday in the crock pot. Then the only other meat I have left in my freezer is a small roast beef and ground meats. I cannot believe I finished up all that ham I bought last month.  Next time it goes on sale, I will have to pick up lots more. I really, really enjoyed it.

It has been overcast and wet since Tuesday night. The mornings at 7 AM are so dark. I watch the kids walk to school in the semi-darkness (the street lights are still on). Thank goodness the time change is tomorrow. I know that it will be dark by 5 in the afternoon, but I would rather have more daylight in the morning. It is kind of depressing to have the day starting out gloomy. Now if the sun would only come out, it would be a rather nice weekend.


  1. Well done on putting away the Halloween decorations. I like to decorate, but don't like putting things away! For that reason, I didn't decorate for Halloween, this year, other than a table runner!

    You did well with your grocery shopping, too! It doesn't look like enough food for two weeks, but, perhaps with what you have in the fridge and freezer, it will be enough?

    Sorry it's been so overcast and wet. I hope you have sunshine, tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend, Susan.

  2. No, it might not get me through to two weeks; but, I think I will try to go as far as possible with what I have. Now that I am trying not to binge eat in the evenings, my dairy is seeming to last longer. Maybe I will lose weight AND save some more money on groceries.

    Today is another rainy day, but I am meeting up with friends to celebrate an important birthday for one of them. That will be my sunshine for today. Have a wonderful weekend, Bless.
