Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Sunny and Crisp

I use the word "crisp" to mean "pretty damn cold", and so the weather today was a crisp autumn day. It was minus 11 C (or 12 F), but the sunshine was wonderful. I worked on another Christmas project while enjoying the sunshine streaming through the living room window.

Yesterday I took a break from crafting to wrap everything I have so far (gifts and stocking stuffers). I decided to take a chance on the mail and shipped a large box out to Vancouver. I will keep my fingers crossed that it isn't slowed down too much by the postal workers' rotating strikes. I also bought another roll of 100 stamps because I knew I wouldn't have enough for all the cards I plan to send out. I also like to include stamps with my card sets that I gift. I gathered the gifts going to different families into bags and boxes to keep organized until it is time to deliver. I have finished 10 homemade gifts and would really like to do at least 2 more. That will leave me supplies for two more IF I still feel like working on those. I will probably not do more, but just in case. I really want to start on the cleaning, so I can bring out the decorations....preferably before Christmas Eve. Ha.

I started my day yesterday by washing, seeding and slicing those 8 rainbow peppers I bought the day before. I had some last night with whole green beans and Italian sausage done in the oven. Tonight I will have some dirty rice made with some cauliflower rice from the freezer, some fried ground beef and half a jar of my sister's tomato sauce that she gave me during my last visit. (She gave me 6 quarts) She used to do a lot of canning and preserving. I never learned how to, so I am grateful for the fact that she likes to share the bounty. Lucky me.
Two quart bags of sweet pepper slices for the freezer. 


  1. Yes, that is pretty "crisp"! Brr! 60F would be plenty "crisp" for me! Anything below that is downright cold!

    I hope your packages go without any problems to their intended destinations, without getting delayed due to the postal strikes! You are doing really well with getting all your gifts made and wrapped! I seem to have lost my momentum!

  2. I love to give and receive homemade gifts at Christmas time. It also allows me to give more when I don't have a lot of money for gift buying. This requires a bit (a lot) of creativity. That might explain why I craft and come up with gag gifts, as you will see when I post my pictures after the holidays.
