Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Fridge

I did in fact choose cleaning the fridge from my mile long to-do list of deep cleaning chores I had written out. Yesterday morning I finished up washing the banister and railings that surround the top of the staircase that I refer to as the loft. The nice thing about having a list of chores that I would like to get finished by Christmas, is that I feel like I have a choice about what I feel like doing on any given day. I MUST tackle one of the items but I can choose which one. Cleaning the fridge is not one of my favourite cleaning chores, but I felt I had the energy and motivation to get it done. On a day where I might not be in the mood for deep cleaning, I might choose to wipe fingerprints from the light switches, or dust my bedroom furniture. I am feeling quite proud of my clean fridge. Not only did I clean the fridge, but I also cleaned the freezer above. That was a huge job and I ended up throwing a lot of unused items into the garbage. It is never a good thing to feel fine about tossing food, but these items were left from before I went on my current diet. I cannot eat them and they are too old to offer to someone else.

Yesterday I also watered my indoor plants that are downstairs, and I made card boxes for the three sets of cards I am gifting at Christmas. I stamped the backs of my homemade Christmas cards and signed my name, and I printed out inserts with Christmas sentiments for the insides of the cards. I started signing and addressing the cards last night and finished them all today. I have spares for if I need them.
Fifty cards ready to put in the mail tomorrow.
Because I needed a bigger table for my company last weekend (and for my dinner on Christmas Eve), I moved my smaller table against the wall seen in the top photo and I brought out my craft table from my crafting room in the back, and covered it with  a Christmas tablecloth and the quilted table runner that my SIL gifted me last year.  I brought my tree indoors but have not set it up yet. I feel like I may be on schedule this year, and it feels pretty good.


  1. Well done on the fridge & freezer cleaning! I will be cleaning my fridge and freezer closer to the middle of December, to make room for the almsgiving foods.

    Fifty cards! Wow! You've been busy!

    Your table runner is lovely! Makes for a very festive table!

    1. I decided NOT to do a newsletter this year. That cut down on a lot of work for my cards. I have this blog specifically for my family and friends to keep them abreast of everything.

      I love my new table runner. I consider my SIL in Smiths Falls a very talented quilter so I was beyond thrilled getting this handmade gift last year.

  2. I like the idea of choosing which chore to do regarding how I feel at the time. My health and how I feel determines what I get accomplished around the house now but it would be so much easier to choose if I already had a list made up.

    I love the table runner!

  3. I keep a list at my computer, and like you have mentioned before, I keep adding to it as I think of things that need doing. So each morning I take a look at what needs doing, what is a priority, and how am I feeling. That is how I pick my chores. I try to pick a balance between physical work and something that I would enjoy doing.
