Friday, November 30, 2018

O Tannenbaum

I looked at my list this morning and I chose to get the tree up and decorate it. It isn't what I consider to be part of my deep cleaning this week, but it was on my list so I won't be too upset about it. It is still a big job and I did it myself. It took most of the morning to do.
I have the Christmas tree lights and the ones on my mantel plugged into the power bar along with the television, so I will be able to enjoy the lights in my living room while watching TV in the evenings.
And since I brought down the tree decorations this morning, I finished up decorating the garland around the French doors leading from the dining room. I had the lights up for the grand kids but I didn't have time to hang the gold ornaments and beads until today.
Touches of gold.
I also clipped my red and green feathered birds to the Norfolk Pine in the computer room.
I watered the plants upstairs today....all my succulents and all the geraniums I brought inside to over-winter.

On my way out of town this afternoon, I mailed off my 50 Christmas cards that were stamped and ready to go. I dropped into my bank to do some banking before visiting one grocery store....No Frills.
Frozen produce cost $26.00 even....oriental vegetables, spinach, the last 5 bags again of winter veggies and a 2 kg package of frozen blueberries.
Fresh produce cost $13.01 (cabbage, 2 eggplant, 4 zucchini and walnuts)
I paid $11.76 for this ham  (only  $1.27 a lb)
Dairy cost $12.71  for a total expenditure of $63.48 on groceries today. I will make a moussaka with the eggplant and half the feta cheese, and I will slice up the whole ham and freeze in portions. I still need to pick up eggs, milk and cheese, but I will buy them at another store for a better price.

It is another weekend. Hope you have a good one.


  1. "How lovely are your branches!"

    Your tree, the living room mantle, and the garland over the French doors are lovely! And I love the birds perched on the Norfolk pine!

    You got a good deal on the ham! Slicing it up and freezing it in portions is a good idea!

    I hope you have a lovely weekend, Susan. Take care.

  2. Thank you Bless. As I get older, believe it or not, I decorate less; but I think I will always have lights up inside. Having the lighted garlands bring a lot of spirit and celebration into the house.

    It was a fantastic price on the ham. I wanted to be there on the first day of the sale to ensure I got one. Now, I am wishing I had bought more. Ha,ha.

  3. Your decorating is beautiful! What a great idea of adding to your Norfolk pine. How great to have your cards already in the mail too!

  4. Thanks Diana. This is the first time I added the little birds to the Norfolk pine, and I love it.

    You may not believe this, but I heard from people on Monday who had already received their cards. Places that generally take a full week had their mail delivered over the weekend. It must be just the parcels that are back logged. Hopefully they will be able to clear that soon.
