Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday Recap

Did I accomplish much this week? No. I didn't purge any of my belongings. I didn't do any cleaning or organizing except the very basics......dishes, laundry, meals.  I took a mental health break from the emotional roller coaster I was riding this week. On top of everything else, my Sweetie has had a lot of medical appointments in the past week. He had the ultrasound on his shoulder which showed 3 tendons and his bicep muscle are all torn. He already had limited movement in that he has even less. Prognosis is still pending. On Monday he went to his Transplant Clinic. For one year now his iron has been low. Even with three doses of iron at 300 mg a dose (900 a day), his count still goes down. Now it is a 5. He has a colonoscopy scheduled for September. He has lost another 13 lbs. Also, his PSA has been going up, so they scheduled an appointment for him with a urologist. That appointment was on Tuesday. A biopsy of his prostate will be done early in October. This morning he had his defibrillator tested to see if it "saw" any action this summer. It has gone off once before. When that happens, they take away his driving license for over 6 months. Fortunately, it hasn't been activated and he is good to drive for another 6 months. That is some welcome good news. So it has been rather stressful here lately, and I have been burying myself into my crafts......specifically, my card-making. I have to build up my supply again.

Today I am feeling more like myself. I have been to the garden and harvested my first ripe tomato and a serving of burgundy beans. My garden is producing and that is always exciting. No zucchini or cucumbers in sight, but lots of blossoms are very promising. I have at least 3 pie pumpkins on my one plant, and still lots of blossoms. I am also hoping for a bumper crop of tomatoes.....fingers crossed. 

We will be leaving for Guelph very early tomorrow morning. We will go to Guelph Hospital to see my mom, and remember that while they are trying to sort out her pain medication, she will be more suspicious and hostile than normal. We will stay just a short while before continuing to Bradford to celebrate a birthday. On the way back home, we hope to stop into the Cobourg hospital and visit with my step-dad. Sunday I will probably sleep in. *laugh* Have yourselves a wonderful relaxing weekend. 


  1. Poor guy, he's really been through the wringer, hasn't he?! Does he have a splint on his shoulder, then? I'll bet you were both glad to hear that he was in the clear for driving. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good results on the other stuff.

    Your cards are lovely! You're right, what a boon to have a passion that allows you to "get ahead" as well.

    And your beans! I'm envious of your pumpkin plant stories. All those blooms AND 3 pumpkins?! Lucky!

    Have a safe trip this weekend and enjoy the birthday party. It was wise to remind yourself not to mind your mom so much since she's going to be affected by the pain medication. ((HUGS))

  2. I had a lovely visit with my mom. She seemed genuinely glad to see us both, but then it was only 9 o'clock in the morning. She is always a sweet little old lady in the mornings before she starts sun-downing. However, within only a few hours she could not remember WHO had come to visit her, just that somebody had. I will not be making any special trips to go visit her. I may deluge her with my get-well greeting cards that she can display in her room, but I won't go visit her unless we are already in the area. It was a very long 15 hour day on Saturday, and I felt sorry for my Sweetie having driven so much that day. I heard his shoulder "pop" at least four times during the driving. He insists on doing ALL the driving.

    He is at the doctor's this morning (right now) about his shoulder, so I may have more info for you later in the day.

    The birthday party was a wonderful break between hospital visits. I love visiting with my grand children. On the way home, we saw my step dad in hospital. He was delighted to see us, and he remembers our visit. Since Cobourg is only 1 1/2 hours away, I will make more of an attempt to visit with him while he is still in hospital. He says he is there another month, but the family says he has to be out this week, so I will wait to see who has it right. When he is released, he will also go to my sister's house in Guelph, because there is no space for him available in a care facility just yet.
