Thursday, July 21, 2016

Wednesday and Thursday

Yesterday morning I grabbed the opportunity of going outside to weed the vegetable garden. There is another heat alert for the rest of this week, so I decided that because I didn't get out Tuesday like I had planned, (opting instead to work on the wedding card) I would spend two hours pulling weeds while it was still relatively cooler.  I had a Doctor's appointment scheduled for the afternoon.

I never did replant the carrots. Maybe I should try turnip again as a Fall crop.                                      
Yesterday's groceries cost me $35.78

After my Doctor's appointment, I went to No Frills for toilet paper, bread and milk, and found strawberries for $1.88 a 1 lb. clam shell, frozen seasoned chicken breasts (boneless, skinless) for $1.97 a pound, and I picked up some tomatoes, green onions, more cheddar cheese and cucumber to make salads for the hot days ahead when I won't want to stand in a hot kitchen. I sent my Sweetie into No Frills on Sunday morning to pick up a few things for our daughter and her family coming for lunch. (no photo)  He spent $36.05 on apple juice, vegan margarine, lettuce, tomato, salami, grapes, bread, crackers, and cheddar cheese. Yes, we have already finished that whole block of cheese. That is why I bought another yesterday. He also bought sweet Italian sausage for grilling. We have had half the package and the other half is frozen. 

I slept until 9 AM this morning. Because I felt guilty about sleeping in so late, I emptied the dishwasher and filled it up again to wash another load of dishes before I even made my first cup of coffee. Before I made my oatmeal, I brought in a load of laundry from the line, folded it and put away. I then hung up another load of laundry that I washed before bedtime last night. I made my full pot of tea to make a pitcher of iced tea.  After breakfast, I boiled some potatoes to make potato salad for dinner tonight and I took out a roasted chicken that I cooked a couple of weeks ago before I was suddenly called to go to Cobourg. We had one meal from it but I put the rest away in the freezer. I warmed that in the microwave tonight with the potato salad and sliced tomatoes. 

Since I was already in the kitchen, I decided to make the doggy treats while it was still cool in the house. And while they were in the oven, I decided to make freezer jam with the two pounds of strawberries that I bought yesterday. I got almost seven full half pint jars. The one in front with the label is not quite full, so it is the one going in the fridge to be eaten. 

This afternoon I brought up the recycling bins from the curb, I put away the second load of dishes and prepared for the third load to be done after supper tonight, I washed another load of laundry and hung it out to dry, I read my emails and coloured my hair. I should sleep in more often. It lights a fire under my butt. 

Doggy treats and strawberry jam. 


  1. Your garden looks so nice and lush! I have never had any luck with carrots, I don't know what I'm doing wrong... probably not enough water.

    So I have to ask: do you always arrange the doggie biscuits in the tin so prettily or was it because you were taking a picture? I would have just dumped them into the tin. I bet you always arrange them like that.

    I have been wanting to try to make freezer jam. I have the special pectin (or whatever it is) somewhere and 2 lbs of strawberries, I suppose I could try it... I threw away 3 very old boxes of Boca burgers last night (which reminds me, I need to account for!) so now I have a little bit of room in the freezer.

    I hope it doesn't get too hot for you today. I read that the massive heat wave in the midwest is making its way to the eastern seaboard. Maybe it'll stay to the south of you.

  2. Yes, I always arrange them like that in the cookie tin. I have a little OCD when it comes to that.

    The temperature right now is 31 degrees celcius with a humidex of 40, which translates into "feels like 104 degrees F." We are a little cooler than places like Toronto and Ottawa because of our proximity to Lake Ontario. Those places will be feeling like 44 degrees Celcius (same as the Eastern seaboard).

    You should totally make freezer easy and you will feel so domesticated. Ha.

    Have you noticed the ground behind the garden. The "grass" is totally brown and burned. Some of the trees are dying. My garden looks the way it does because we put the sprinkler on every other night. We are experiencing drought conditions this summer.
