Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wednesday errands

Balloon Flowers...before they burst open into flowers,
the buds look like round balloons filled with air.

Yucca plant: Adam's needle


Snowball hydrangea 
I didn't do any housework or garden work today. I put away my dishes and loaded up the dishwasher again, but I will wait until tonight to run another load. I cooked some pasta and placed it in the fridge so I could make ham and cheese pasta salad tonight for dinner. Then I went into Kingston shortly after 10 AM to pick up my friend to take her to her appointment.

From there we stopped into her work so she could have a short visit with her co-workers before they left for lunch. She hasn't seen them since her abdominal surgery several months ago. They were thrilled to see her doing so well. We drove next to a mall where we had lunch at a coffee shop. She picked up a few things she has been needing at the Dollarama before we headed off to the Thrift Store. She found a pair of sandals that looked like they were brand spanking new, a denim skirt, and a summer nightie. She had been looking for these items for a while and was thrilled when she found them all today. The icing on the cake was the 30% off price on all clothes and only. For myself, I bought two mixed bags of craft items for card making. After our yard sale a few weeks ago, my Sweetie took everything that didn't sell to this very Thrift Store. In return they gave him a card for 30% off his next purchase. So I also got a bargain today. I love it when things fall together like that.


  1. Hopefully you didn't buy any of your own craft supplies back! ;)

    Your flowers are beautiful! I especially love the clematis. The shopping village where I worked during college had a beautiful clematis vine and every time I see one I am reminded of that time of my life.

  2. No I didn't buy back any of my stuff, but you made me laugh out loud. You have me pegged. That sounds like me.

    My clematis is full of blooms this year. Unfortunately this Spring I did not cut back the old growth or train the new growth up the trellis. As a result it has had to find its own way up. Some of it is trailing along the fence but most of it just hangs over the garden and is trailing across my huge snowball hydrangea. It just looks completely wild and neglected. (which it is).
