Thursday, December 20, 2018

Day Twenty

Only four more days to get everything done that you are hoping to accomplish. It seems to me that the busier I am, the more likely I am to write posts on my blog. I virtually had nothing to do this month, but I am not staying accountable to my readers. I can only hope that YOU are all too busy to notice.

I drove over to Amerstview to pick up a prescription on Tuesday and decided to get my free flu shot while I was there. I had to stay in the drug store for 10 minutes afterwards, so I walked up and down the aisles just "looking". I found some Christmas wrapping at "Boxing Day" prices, so I grabbed them up. I paid for them by cashing in a winning scratch ticket for $6 that was sent to me in one of my Christmas cards this year. So no OOP  at this store. I next went over to the LCBO again and bought another 2 bottles of wine.
I bought 4 (11x8 1/2) gift boxes,  a wine gift bag, 25 cellophane bags, a 3 coloured pack of tissue paper, and 6 DVD boxes which I can use for small wrappings....ALL for under dollar store prices.  I filled my gas tank with gas on the way home.

Yesterday morning I called ahead and went over to see my friend to check on her. She has been busy filling out the paper work and visiting the government offices that she needs to go to after the death of her husband. She seems to be managing things well enough, but reportedly not sleeping very well. I took over a box of hot chocolate packets because I knew that both of her girls love these. When I came home I made up another roasting pan full of the "Nuts and Bolts" mixture and packaged it all up in the cellophane bags I bought on Tuesday.

After his shift, my son and my DIL came over for a visit. They are not able to stay over on Christmas Eve after all. I was very disappointed until I learned that he has picked up  an extra shift for double the wage; and with her in school, they could not turn this extra money down. So we will open our presents together on Christmas Eve, and I am fine with that. While my son did laundry and my DIL wrapped her presents at the dining table, I cleared all the cans and packages of food in my food storage that I can no longer eat, and packed it up into 2 large reusable grocery bags for them to take home and use up. I was thinking of giving them to my friend after the New Year, but I think my son can use them more right now. His hours have dropped down significantly.

Today I got some news of my Dad. The doctor's office called to ask them to come right down to the hospital to receive 2 units of blood. The results of the blood test he had done yesterday  were available this morning. His hemoglobin, which was so high only 3 months ago that his doctor had decided to take him off of his iron supplements, was now so low it was alarming. It doesn't sound good, but on the other hand,  his sister (my aunt) had a similar medical history where she needed to go in every few months to receive a transfusion. On the bright side, when it is finished, he will feel so much better. It takes several hours, so he won't be ready to come home until about 9 tonight.

So I haven't been doing much these days, but it seems busy nonetheless. I made my moussaka this afternoon and can't wait to dig in. It is a very time consuming meal to prepare but well worth it. I felt such an urgency in October and November to get ready for Christmas early, and I am so glad I listened to my inner voice. Hope you are all on track for the holiday season.


  1. Sounds like you have everything ready for the holiday!

    I hope your Dad feels better after getting the additional blood. While it is concerning, as you said he will feel better!

    I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!!

    1. Thank you Diana. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas also. I'm sure you will have some joyful days with your grand kids.

  2. You did well to listen to your inner voice and prepare early, Susan. Now you get to sit back and enjoy! You got some good deals on the wrapping paper, tissues, etc. I'm waiting for them to go on sale after Christmas, over here!

    I'm sorry your son won't be able to stay over, but he has a very valid reason. I'm sure he and his wife appreciate the extra pantry items you gave them.

    A bit worrying to hear about your Dad, but, hopefully, the blood transfusions will help him feel better. I hope your friend will be able to sleep better after all the paperwork, etc., is done and she's had time to relax a little.

    I wish you and your family and loved ones a very happy Christmas. Enjoy the days leading up to it!

    1. I am wishing you a successful Almsgiving. You sound well prepared for it. Your daughter is home for the holidays and what more could you ask for? Have a lovely holiday season. Thank you for the well wishes. I appreciate them.
