Sunday, December 2, 2018

Feeling Tired and Dragging

By the time I had my breakfast and coffee, and face-timed with all my family members, it was almost noon when I was free to check my to-do list.  I chose to wash my bathroom upstairs off my bedroom. I cleaned the sink, bath tub and toilet and washed the floor on my way out of the room. The tub surround and the sliding glass doors weren't too bad, so I left that for next time.  I filled the bottom of the bath tub with hot water and a splash of chlorine bleach to disinfect while the floor dried.  I took out the rubber bath mat and the floor mat to throw in the washer with some towels and washing rags, and while that was washing, I folded yesterday's load and put away.

Lunch was two smaller pieces of moussaka. I sliced up that very large ham and froze into portions, saving all the tiny bits and pieces to add to future omelets. The ham bone is in the crock pot right now with some water to make a soup stock. Normally, I would make a pea soup or Boston beans, but now I am not sure what I will do with it. I had intended to go out today for eggs and milk, but I felt drained. I didn't go out, so I didn't spend any money (except for the e-transfers I made to my grand children). Instead I have been relaxing with hot tea and a scented candle.

Yes, I take my tea sweetened and with milk. How has your weekend shaped up?


  1. I think all the recent work you put in has tired you out, Susan. Even so, you didn't give yourself a break, but went on to clean your bathroom! I'm glad you relaxed with a cup of hot tea instead of going shopping. I, too, drink tea with milk and sugar. Coffee, too, for that matter!

    My weekend has been good. On Saturday, I sewed another Christmas gift and today (Sunday), I went out to lunch with a friend. It was my delayed birthday lunch and she treated me. :) In the evening, I did a load of laundry and sorted through a folder of papers.

    Hope you have a good week ahead. Take care.

    1. It sounds as though you have had a well rounded weekend...some filing, some housework, some socializing and some sewing. I took some time off today from cleaning to tie up some loose ends. Every once in a while you just have to take some time to regroup.

  2. If only when I was tired and dragging I was able to get as much work done as you do! :D

    It will be so nice to have your ham in serving sizes ready to be used when needed.

    I have never had my tea sweetened with milk but during the long, cold winter just may have to try it!

  3. I love ham. It will be interesting to see how long this one lasts me. The last one I bought went far too quickly, and now I am thinking I should have bought a couple of hams.

    The tiredness from yesterday caught up with me today. I didn't accomplish any cleaning. Instead I went out and did some shopping with a list. I have no plans for the rest of the week, so there is still lots of time to get things done. (house cleaning that is)
