Saturday, May 28, 2016

It's too hot outside

I haven't written in a few days, not since Wednesday. On Thursday, I decided to go in to Kingston to see my friend who is recuperating from abdominal surgery. It had been a week since I was last in. She told me she didn't need any more groceries since her neighbours were taking very good care to make sure she had everything. But she did have more laundry for me to do up; and while I was there, I decided to clean her bathtub and sink. I left with all her recycling to deposit in the bins as I was leaving her apartment. I also checked with her superintendent to see if I could install her window AC unit before June 1st, and yes I could. My friend had an electric fan but I knew this weekend was expected to be a scorcher. 

So yesterday morning (Friday), my Sweetie and I took our trailer load of yard trash into the Transfer Station and headed over to the apartment afterwards to install the AC unit and duct tape around all the seams. On the way home, we picked up a yard of garden mix.  Doesn't it look wonderful? I will use some of it for my planters, but most of it will go on top of the veggie garden to help enhance the soil. But not today. It is just too hot to be shoveling dirt.                                   

I got the best work done yesterday morning before we took the trailer into town. I decided to get our own AC unit installed in our bedroom window. I washed a load of whites and lights and hung them on the clothesline. I folded and put away two loads taken off the line. I cleaned out my son's bedroom dresser since he is no longer using it, and moved it downstairs to the front hall alcove.....more storage for miscellaneous items that have no home like lightbulbs and a few winter throws and cushion covers that are not needed right now. I will find things to fit into those four drawers...guaranteed. I managed to fill ONE box for the yard sale with washed and clean fleece throws that we do not need. I have started a garbage bag of clothes to donate to a thrift store. I have items set aside to go into the attic. I gathered up some items I have been picking up here and there for gifts and Advent calendars, and put them in my gift trunk out of the way. I made a second batch of beef soup and made a beef stew in the crock pot for dinner last night.  

This morning at 8 AM,we headed into town again. My Sweetie is trying to fix my favourite wheelbarrow which needed both a new tire and a new axle. Unfortunately, you cannot buy parts for this wheelbarrow. You need to buy a whole new wheelbarrow. Well I don't want to, as it would cost over $100 now to replace it. Why are more and more manufacturers making these "disposable" products? It is very difficult to fix what you have and "make do". So my husband is buying a new tire and cobbling together some rods or pipes to fashion his own axle for the wheel barrow. Keeping my fingers crossed. While he was at the auto parts store figuring this out, I was at Shopper's Drug Mart for their one day sale event. If you spend $50, you get 20Xs the points. I picked up 8 liters of milk (both skim and 2%) and eggs, which I always buy from this store, and then bought sale items. My hair colour, low dose aspirin and Cashmere TP was on sale. Kraft peanut butter, Lantic sugar, and Whiskas kitty treats were terrific prices so I bought more than one of each. After spending $55 before taxes, I saved $36.20 by buying those sale items. And the 20Xs points I earned will give me free merchandise closer to Christmas when I buy at one of their "Spend your points events". On those days, the point totals buy even more than usual. Win-win-win. I also bought a $25 gift card to buy milk and bread the rest of June. I get points now (though not 20Xs) and points later when I buy merchandise with the gift card. When I got back home, I decided it was too hot to work outside, so I just did a "walkabout" in the garden. 

Perennial bachelor button

My lupines are starting to flower

My Bridal Veil shrub

Allium growing up through my snowball hydrangea bush

Have a great weekend and stay cool. I will be serving a Special Meal tomorrow at St. Andrew's church for our street people in Kingston. Our team is made up of residents from Amherst Island and those who "wannabe"


  1. How nice of you and hubby to have installed the AC unit for your friend. I'm sure she's grateful. How hot is it for your this weekend? Are you able to enjoy the rest of your house during the day, or do you try to stay in the bedroom?

    Your pictures are incredible! Thanks for posting them in extra-large size, it makes it so much nicer to read the post without to click on them to enlarge them (I'm lazy!) and the effect is incredible. Such vibrant colors! I couldn't tell you which ones are my favorite but I think the Bridal's Veil certainly is an appropriate name for that bush. I wish I had such success with flowers, not that I have tried very hard. I'd been thinking about planting crape myrtles and I'd love a bougainvillea. I'll need to research when is the best time to plant those. Probably not as summer starts!

    What a great strategy to do a stocking up trip when you get your 20x points, especially since you plan on redeeming them far into the future (or so it seems, December sounds so far away).

    Have a good Sunday. Serving lunch to the homeless? You are someone special.

  2. It is only about 30 or 31 degrees C (I don't know what the humidex is, but it is very humid) You are probably laughing at me, but I told you...I am a wimp in the heat. The downstairs isn't too bad. We leave the windows open and we have ceiling fans and electric oscillating fans throughout. We just have AC units in the bedroom windows for really hot nights. I couldn't sleep otherwise.

    1. Nope, not laughing at all. I can't take the heat. Even as I walk into my new bedroom that feels much cooler than the hallway as it has 2 AC vents, I get overheated almost immediately and have to turn the pedestal fan on. I don't know how people without AC do it. I guess I turned into a wimp since living in Florida, hahaha.
