Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day and Elliot Lake yard sale

I got two of these hanging planters for my veranda on Mother's Day. 
They contain purple and white petunias with lobelia.
We don't usually do anything special around here for Mother's Day or Father's Day, but my Sweetie surprised me by bringing home these two lovely planters for me. He hobbled off on his crutches to pick them up while I was still sleeping. What a guy! As you can see in the photo, I HAVE to do a lot of painting this summer. I said that last summer as well, but didn't get around to it. I MUST get it done this year. Mother's Day was spent quietly at home. I folded three baskets of laundry and watched "Spy" on Netflix with my hubby. I made chicken stir-fry for dinner and talked to my "out-of-town" kids when they phoned during the afternoon. My middle son and his GF bought me a shepherd's hook for the garden and set up my deck table with the new patio umbrella they got me for Christmas. Lovely.

Some of you asked to see what I got at my yard sale while I was in Elliot Lake. Whenever I go to E.L.  I always go yard-sale"ing" with "Dee". I always do so well.  

Heavy duty lawn and garden sprayer for 50 cents
Almost brand-new stand mixer with all the attachments for $10....... My pride and joy.

All the fabric was 50 cents total, 14 compact fluorescent light bulbs for 25 cents total,  two Tupperware bowls with lids (the kind I love) for 25 cents for both and the banker's lamp for 50 cents. 

Brand new gift items for $3 total. The plastic mattress protector, quilted pillow cover and my new kitchen curtains were being given away. We also picked up a folding metal step ladder, an oscillating fan, and a large picnic cooler for $5 total. It was a good day. 

And speaking of good days, this morning my Sweetie and I left the house at 8 AM to attend  the transplant clinic and the  doctor's office. I was able to drive up to the front entrances to drop him off, find parking, and take him to his appointments. We were home by noon and I went immediately outside to trim the grass from the edges of the front lawn. (I use grass scissors, so it is a big job for me), and I pulled the weeds from the front flower beds. I spent two hours outside. I haven't worked like that in months, so I should sleep well tonight. I am still making my way through my email list. 


  1. You had a lovely, quite relaxing Mother's Day, it sounds like.

    Wow, look at all the insane deals you got at the yard sale! 25 cents, 50 cents, even $10 for the awesome stand mixer is amazing! Well done!

    I hope you won't be too sore after all the yard work you did. Maybe you'll find an edger at the next yard sale you visit!

  2. Ha. We have a big old heavy gas-powered trimmer here, but I can't handle it...I can't start it....I'd rather get on my hands and knees and scissor it. Crazy, I know. I once bought one with a rechargeable battery, but it didn't last very long.
