Saturday, May 7, 2016

Things are not settled down yet

I got home Wednesday afternoon and caught up on some phone calls to friends and family to let them know I was back and asked about the events in their lives. A very dear friend had surgery scheduled for while I was away and I was a little surprised to learn that she was still in hospital. Thursday morning I went to visit her. I came home and crashed. I guess I was recuperating from the long days of travelling across the country.

Yesterday morning my Sweetie and I left without coffee or breakfast for the hospital in Napanee. My husband had a terrible night. He had pain in his foot that started in his ankle and spread halfway up his calf and all the way into his toes. His foot was swollen twice its size and was red and hot. While in the waiting room, he had chills so bad that the warmed blanket they gave him was not enough to warm him. I retrieved a wool blanket from the van to wrap him in. It turned out to be gout, but they couldn't take a chance that it might also be an infection; so, we had to wait for the results of the blood work from the lab. They prescribed a higher dosage of prednisone and percocet for the pain. We were gone from home from 7:30 'til after 4 p.m. It was not the way either one of us had planned to spend our day.

 Today I did my first shop at a grocery store. I had to drive into Kingston anyway to pick up a part we ordered for our dishwasher, and car parts needed to get one of our vans certified before we can buy Ontario plates. I knew I needed a couple of things without taking a shopping list, or deciding what the menu plan will look like this week, so I went to the nearest grocery store (Freshco) and picked up those items and their weekly loss leaders. This is what it looked like.

Bread cost $8.11

Three loaves of brown bread were $1.94 each and hot dog buns were $2.29  I will never get the deals that Nathalie does in Central Florida. 

Proteins cost $16.99

This was not a great deal. This is the result of not having a shopping list and just buying what looked good to me.

Produce cost $23.57
Red seedless grapes at $1.99/lb. were $5.84,  3 frozen juice concentrates cost $3.53, frozen stir-fry veggies were $7.99, frozen peas and carrots cost $2.49 and two peppers cost $1.73 I also bought a 3 pound bag of fresh carrots for  $1.99 (not pictured) 

Dairy was $5.76
The margarine was 97 cents and the cheese was marked down to only $4.79

Pantry items cost $7.72
The multi-grain Cheerios are a favourite. The large 560 gm box was on sale for $3.99 with a coupon for a free 2 litres of choco milk next time I shop. Sugar is $1.97 and the tins of diced tomatoes were only 88 cents a tin. 

Sundries cost $3.96

These also were not great deals, but these are the items (vinegar and tin foil) I needed this week. 

Total expenditure on groceries was $66.11

My Sweetie was feeling so much better today. He didn't get out of the van, but he came with me on my errands. Once home, he installed the small part needed to fix the dishwasher. I have done two loads of dishes so far today. He tuned up the lawnmower for me so I cut some of the lawn but not all of it. The grass was so thick, the mower kept stalling on me. I have the worst of it done. And I have made up more of my homemade laundry detergent and  washed two loads of laundry which I have hanging outside on the clothesline. Tonight's supper will be an easy pasta bake. 


  1. Oh no! Poor guy, I hope he's feeling even better today. Good thing that didn't happen while you were driving cross-country! I didn't realize that you could get chills from a gout attack. Greg's dad has gout himself too.

    Good luck mowing your grass. It seems that you went from still having snow on the ground to suddenly having overgrown grass since you didn't blog for a few weeks, lol.

    That's awesome that you got a coupon for free chocolate milk with your Cheerios box! I'm hoping that General Mills will run another promo soon where they had the BOGO coupons printed on the boxes because I need to stock up on Lucky Charms for my youngest son.

    Happy Mother's Day, Susan! (if yours is the same day as ours? It's Mother's Day here in the US today. I could look it up but I'm being lazy)

  2. I think maybe the chills came about because of shock. He didn't have a temperature. He is feeling better every day, but these attacks can last a while.
    The day we left here for the airport, we drove through a snow storm. I can't believe how things have grown in only 3 weeks. And people have been telling me that it has not been a very warm spring. This cooler sunny weather will entice me outdoors though, and that is a good thing.
