Monday, March 23, 2020

Daybook: Monday, Mar. 23/20

Outside my was another sunny winter's day with melting temperatures.

I am thinking.....that my self isolation may go on for a much longer time than I first thought.

I am thankful for.....staying healthy so far. I am especially grateful these day for the technology that allows me to keep in touch so easily with family and friends. It is a new way of socialising that has become more mainstream. It won't ever replace the close contact and intimacy of relationships we used to enjoy; but in the meantime, it will suffice.

From the kitchen.....I shredded and sauteed another head of cabbage today and ate some of it for dinner with some Oktoberfest sausages and slices of keto bread I baked yesterday. Tomorrow I will put a beef roast in the crock pot and I will make a batch of yoghurt.

I am jeans, black button down shirt , and black striped socks. I guess I need to make a concerted effort to wear some colour tomorrow.

I am creating.....nothing today actually. But I can make more cards, or cut up some more lengths of jute to make another macrame plant hanger. I also have some embroidery projects I could be working on or I could start making another mini photo album. Decisions, decisions.

I am going.....absolutely nowhere.

I am hoping.....that everyone remains healthy and safe.

I am hearing.....the blower on my furnace and songs by Gordon Lightfoot on Alexa.

Around the house.....I have some cleaning to do but no ambition yet to get started on it.

One of my favourite the conference calls we do in the morning. The last two mornings, we have had a party of four different households.

A few plans for the rest of the week...... include clearing the ice off the back deck, making a batch of homemade yoghurt, and addressing the envelopes for the Easter cards that are ready for mailing out.

Here's the picture I am sharing.....

Would you believe I spent an hour outside to remove snow from the deck? Admittedly, it was much harder than I thought it would be. It was much more like layers of ice than snow. It wasn't anything that I could push with a shovel. I had to chop out large chunks and throw it over the railing onto the lower deck. Let me tell you that it was an aerobic workout. I will keep working on it gradually. If nothing else, I should be able to help Mother Nature remove it more quickly than if I didn't help out. I can see some progress if no one else can, and that's what counts.


  1. While you remove snow, I am working to get our deck and porch pollen free. So far the pollen is winning!

    1. I think I would prefer the snow and ice, thank you very much.

  2. Look at all that snow! "Do you want to build a snowman?" :D Sounds like you are enjoying those morning conference calls. Yes, thank goodness for all the modern means of keeping in contact with family and friends! What a blessing that is!

    1. As long as the snow remains, I don't have to contend with the blackflies. I am grateful for that.

      There is a lot of socialising going on. The phone is ringing more often these days. Cabin fever?

  3. Oh my goodness, all that snow! At least it gives you a reason to be outside and enjoy some sunshine and exercise. Wonderful you have found a way to stay in close contact with your family!!!

    1. It was so warm today that I ended up shovelling more snow from the deck without a winter jacket on. It was quite lovely out.
