Friday, March 27, 2020

End of Week Two

Watching the daily update on the corona virus at noon, we were all reminded that the weekend was upon us and that we need to be especially vigilant of staying indoors. So many of us have a routine that includes shopping and/or going out to relax at the end of a work week. The deputy minister of health acknowledged that what we are doing is very, very difficult but that we cannot let our efforts slip now. I thought that the message was very timely on a Friday afternoon. Fortunately, I don't need to do any shopping for at least another couple of weeks. I packed up a bin of card making materials for my sister from the craft room and left it outside my front door for my BIL to pick up and take back to the house. My sister and I will be able to make cards together again, but virtually. 

Most mornings have been spent on my computer. I have my morning conference call with family members, check my emails and read my favourite blogs. I turn on the TV around 11:15 AM for the Prime Minister's message and at noon for the update by some of our ministers. This is when I eat my lunch, which has been homemade beef and vegetable soup, with slices of keto bread. 
  This afternoon I spent some time outside in the sunshine and fresh air, clearing more snow from my back deck. When I was ready for a break, I came in and made a pasta sauce with onion, sweet peppers, canned mushrooms, canned tomatoes, tomato paste and Italian seasonings. While that was simmering, I went outside again. I am now at the point where I can sit outside in the sun with a cup of tea and wait for Spring to arrive. Ha. 
 I'm down to the last layer of ice.

The temperature is warm enough that I worked this afternoon with no jacket or sweater. I worked up quite a sweat. It is a great workout. 

Have a great weekend everyone and remember to keep up the effort. Stay healthy and safe. 


  1. Yum, your soup looks so good, Susan.

    Look! There's actually a patio under all that snow! LOL! Wow, you've really cleared a lot of it! That is such a nice spot in which to sit and enjoy a cup of tea or a meal, once it warms up a bit.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend. Good advice to stay home and be safe! Take care.

  2. It has been a lovely weekend here so far; but today and apparently for the rest of this week, we are going to get lots of rain. That should help with getting rid of lots of long as it JUST rains.
