Thursday, March 5, 2020

Taking Shape

Both my sister and my BIL (and little Rocky) came over this morning and headed down to the basement. My sister was going to work on cards and my BIL was installing the shower pan and drain. When they arrived, I was in the process of cutting up that ham I bought yesterday. I put some aside for tonight's dinner and some chunks to use up in my morning omelettes and a few slices to make  ham sandwiches on keto bread for lunches. But the majority of it went into the freezer.

By the time I got dowstairs, my BIL was ready to cut and hang drywall, so I was able to help him out again. It is taking shape very quickly.
After they left, I continued in the kitchen by making a meaty spaghetti sauce with peppers and mushrooms. I will probably use it over zoodles one night and over sauteed shredded cabbage another time. I also made a cream cheese sauce to go over my veggies and ham for tonight's dinner. With all the extra cooking and food prep, I had another full load tonight in the dishwasher.

The only house cleaning item I did on my to-do list was watering the plants. In the back room where I am overwintering some of my garden plants, I was greeted by a gorgeous hibiscus. I guess plants can tell when the seasons are beginning to change. The longer hours of sunlight must be working.
This is only one of the plants that "Dee" gave me in the Fall, so that I would have a few outdoor plants for my deck planters come Spring. I guess this lovely flower didn't hear the weather forecast for more snow today and tomorrow. *sigh*


  1. Your basement shower installation is coming along, nicely!

    Sounds like you will be getting a lot of meals from that ham! Lots of good meal prep going on in your kitchen. :)

    That hibiscus flower is lovely! How interesting to see it flowering indoors. I guess it wasn't going to let some snow in the forecast prevent it from flowering. :)

  2. My hope is to keep the plants alive long enough to plant outside in the spring, so this was a very nice find. It stopped me in my tracks.

    There isn't much time left in the day after working on the shower installation and then shopping and preparing food. I've given myself permission not to feel guilty about not doing any spring cleaning this week.
