Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Filling the Freezer

After taking the garbage and the Blue Box out to the curb, I started the day again with disinfecting the sink with bleach, and then filling it with tepid water and a splash of vinegar before washing down the peppers and celery I bought yesterday. While the celery was drying, I seeded and sliced up the peppers for the freezer. I can use them in stir fries, chili and my omelettes.
I decided to slice up most of the celery to use in soups and stir fries and left only a few young stalks to munch on.
Next, I tackled the pork loin I bought at $1.88 a lb. yesterday. I cut 16 thick loin chops and wrapped them with the food saver to make 8 packages of 2 each. With the remaining pork that was left, I put it into my crock pot to roast for dinner tonight. (and probably tomorrow night as well)
At noon I received a phone call from my middle son. He sounded really tired. It is mid-winter and they are as busy as ever. Some of their clients have "stalled" their contracts because they have shut down temporarily due to the virus outbreak. He is hoping this will lessen the work load, but still keep them busy enough to stay employed. They are expected to work unless the province calls for a shut-down. Our Ontario premier announced a state of emergency this morning, but has not mandated a complete lock-down. I know my son is worried like many others, about finances, if forced off work. The government is telling us there will be help, but is still working out details. I told my son not to worry....that I can help out some.

My BIL called to say that my sister was running a high fever. I had talked to her this morning and she complained of feeling really crappy and sore all over. I directed him to call the hospital and talk to them about her symptoms. We are pretty sure this is a case of seasonal flu. She is to drink plenty of liquids, take Tylenol, and the hospital will call again in the morning for an update. The flu is not a nice thing to have anyways, but these days you can't help but feel panic.

More than ever, I am glad we are ready to stay indoors to weather this storm.

The inside of my fridge freezer is bursting. I took an inventory of all my servings of meat and veggies and I am set for a long time. I hope you are all staying healthy and safe.


  1. Susan, good idea to wash your fresh veggies with vinegar! I did that with any fresh produce I had when I was doing chemo, but, haven't done so, lately.

    I am glad you heard from your middle son and all is going well with him for now. It's a blessing that you are in a position where you could help him out, if needed.

    I hope your sister is OK and it is just the regular flu. You take care of yourself, since you were with her, the previous day. This virus is setting us all on edge, but, better be safe than sorry, I suppose.

    I'm glad to see that you are stocked up with frozen meat and produce. Stay safe and well.

    1. I hope your sister has just a garden variety flu but I understand everyone being on edge right now.
      You are very wise to do the vinegar was with your veggies. I do it sometimes, but mostly I forget.
      I need to do a freezer inventory right away just to see exactly what I have

  2. After taking Tylenol and drinking lots of water, this morning my sister was feeling much better. It turns out it may be a bladder infection for which she is being prescribed antibiotics. The doctor will phone in a prescription and my sister will have the drugstore home deliver.

    I took an inventory of the freezer yesterday to determine a list of what is available. I can begin to plan my meals around my perishables in the fridge first, before starting on the frozen foods. I haven't really had time to start crafting yet because of the food prep, checking out the latest health reports, and checking in with friends and family with phone calls, texting and face timing.
