Thursday, March 26, 2020

More Snow

We had another dump of snow last night and into the morning. It was enough precipitation that normally I would go out and shovel the drive, but I'm not going anywhere and the temperature is warming up each day. I knew that this snowfall wouldn't stay long.

Once I decided to stay indoors eleven days ago, I called up the local paper to buy a subscription to our weekly. It is my way to support a local business and stay up to date with how my municipality is handling this crisis. It is a very small paper with not much inside except perhaps the flyers for other local businesses. The leading story this week was about the township workers continuing their snow removal project, but it was nice to wake up this morning and find the paper waiting for me outside the front door.

I emptied the dishwasher before making a big pot of beef vegetable soup for lunches this week. I sliced enough beef off the roast for dinner tonight before adding the rest of the meat (along with the drippings) to the soup pot. I added some of my chopped celery to a bag of frozen Italian veggies (carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, lima beans, broad beans and green beans), dried onion, and beef bouillon powder. It was really thick and meaty. I had a bowl while watching my daily update on TV.

I shovelled more snow from the deck, mailed out the kids' Easter cards, and looked through a seed catalogue I received in the mail. I received two phone calls from long-time friends this afternoon. It is wonderful to be able to catch up and hear how others are working through their confinements.
 My own snow removal effort is progressing well, but it isn't headline worthy.

It will be a while yet before I can sit out in the sun.
However, I can always sit indoors and enjoy the geraniums that are growing in leaps and bounds.


  1. More snow! But, I see that you are making good progress on your deck snow removal! And your room is so nice and sunny! No wonder your geraniums are doing so well! Your beef and vegetable soup sounds very hearty and delicious. Stay indoors and be safe and well, Susan.

  2. Thank you Bless. I still plan on staying indoors for a while yet. There is no need to leave the house for shopping and I am quite content here. I packed up some supplies for my sister today and left them out on the front step for my BIL to pick up. Now we will be making cards together by face time, starting tomorrow.
