Friday, January 8, 2016

Another grocery shop

I don't have a set day and time to go grocery shopping. I might go in with my Sweetie when he has a doctor's or lab appointment like he did on Tuesday morning. Today was the Costco pick-up, so I decided to pick up the specials at Freshco. Here they are.....
Produce cost $9.33

Notice the total lack of salad veggies. Celery was $3 a bunch at this grocery store as well. Iceberg lettuce is over $2 for a tiny head. I won't pay it. I will stick predominately with root veggies and the frozen beans from my garden. The baby bok choy was on special, so I will make a stir fry with that and the mushrooms (only $1.50), julienned carrots and frozen peppers and green beans. I buy a lot of  peppers when they are cheap in late summer and early fall to slice and freeze. I will make cole slaw with my cabbage and carrots. Good thing my family likes rutabaga. It is still pretty cheap, and yes....I still have some in my freezer from the garden. 

Proteins cost $21.90

The boxes of 6 fish fillets, and the package of Shopsy's beef wieners  cost $2 each. The smoked bacon was on sale for $2.97 and the Italian sausage and chicken thighs were both $2 a pound. I will take the meat off the thighs for my stir-fry and make chicken stock from what remains.  

Dairy cost $11.86

I did some price matching here. The Becel was $2 at No Frills, so they beat the price here by charging me 1.99 The cheese slices cost $2.88 at Food Basics, so I was charged $2.87 The BD cheese bar was not on sale, but it was less than $5, so I bought it. I will definitely shred this and get it into the freezer before the boys find it. I love that I don't have to go to the other grocery stores to get these specials. 
Groceries cost $6.26

I also did some price matching here on the Barilla pasta (.98) and the VH stir-fry sauce (1.99). The brown rice cost $1.29 and the perogies were only $2.  

Sundries cost $14.80

I don't know why I call these necessary items sundry. I guess because we can't eat them. The borax was half price. I don't think I have ever found this on sale. The cashmere was $2 each. I got two. One is not pictured because it went straight on the shelves of the downstairs washroom. I also got a 24 pack of cheap TP for  $3.83  The dish detergent was $2 on sale and the vinegar was $1.97

My total today cost me $65.80  I know I have talked about not needing to spend much on groceries this month, and hopefully that is true. I have already spent $241.75, leaving me with $58.25 and a full $50 gift card for Shopper's Drug Mart. I only expect to buy dog food this month, apart from milk, bread and eggs.  


  1. That was a good haul, Susan! I love rutabaga and baby bok choy, can I come over for dinner? I never see it at Aldi and Publix is too expensive. Another chain called Winn Dixie usually has those and they announced that they just permanently lowered "hundreds" of prices so I might go check that out and see if they have rutabaga for a reasonable price. The price of the bacon you bought seems very low too. I haven't bought real bacon in a while, only turkey bacon and only when I can get it for 25 cents to 55 cents a pack, but I miss real bacon!

    I didn't think I'd go grocery shopping at all this week and then I spent $50 anyway, arrgh. I don't think I'll EVER be able to do a freezer challenge, I just can't stay away from the sales.

  2. Don't forget though that you are able to keep your grocery totals down BECAUSE you shop the sales. You are very successful at keeping your grocery totals down to $50 a week (or just a tad over), while I have budgeted $25 per person per week. You do FAR better than I do. (I will blame some of it on our higher prices overall and the fact that our Canadian dollar right now has slipped to 70 cents American. But I do enjoy a challenge. BTW, I did make the kielbasa and cabbage last night. So goo-o-o-od.

    1. 70 cents? I don't keep up with it but maybe we should be going on vacation in Canada, then, eh? $25 per person per week is really good, Susan. I can stay at about $50 because of the gift cards that I apply to my total and also because I already have so much at home. Hooray for stockpiling!

      I'm definitely making the kielbasa and cabbage tonight. Greg's insides are bothering him this week,though, so I'll make him a baked potato, I think. I'm glad you liked the recipe! I can't wait for dinner.

  3. Nice shopping! You did so well - could I ask who has the Barilla on sale? Do you use any of the phone apps to take advantage of rebates?

    Regards - your Ontario reader!

  4. Food Basics has the Barilla on sale. I take my flyers with me when I shop, so I can price match. Freshco will "beat" the competitor's price by one cent. I usually go to the grocer that has the best specials and price match the rest...if I can.
    You know what? I don't have a cell phone anymore. I used to have one years ago, but I never used it. I know. It is very difficult to imagine anyone in this day and age who doesn't have a cell phone. I have downloaded Checkout 51 and Snap by Groupon onto my computer, but I am always forgetting to check them from week to week. I should do that now. Thanks for reminding me.

  5. I just did my shopping and did my phone rebates and got $0.75 from Ibotta and $0.80 from MobiSave so it isn't like you are missing millions in rebates. Those are some good deals and good for you for price matching. Not a lot of people will do that around here except Walmart and I find that it is hard to find the same brands that are on sale so I have never done it. Awesome job saving money anyway you can do it!!

  6. Thank you Alison. I wish I was better about clipping and using coupons. That will be a goal for the new year. Right now I mostly rely on seasonal specials, loyalty points and price matching. But I could do so much better.
