Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My week-end

 I got my exercise in this weekend. I helped my son carry 8 sheets of 4x8 foot pieces of gyproc up a flight of stairs. He and his GF insulated the fake exterior wall on the north side of the house and around the old chimney. And we cut and nailed up 5 sheets of the gyproc. It is looking like a new room. My husband will wire for a closet light, another plug and wire in another smoke detector outside their bedroom, before the last sheets of gyproc go up. Hopefully, we can start taping soon.
Insulation and gyproc went up on some of the walls
Friday night my husband and I were treated again to a home cooked dinner of pork loin, broccoli and mashed potatoes by my son and GF.  Saturday  I made a quick dinner of fish sticks, baked potato and carrot and broccoli stem coins. On Sunday, while working upstairs on the walls, I had chicken thighs cooking in the crock pot with a bag of peelings from the freezer. But for dinner, I made home made pizza with onions, peppers, pepperoni and sausage. Mmmm good. I love pizza. Yesterday, I cut the chicken meat off the thighs. I bottled a little over two litres of soup stock for the freezer, and used the meat to make a chicken pot pie for dinner last night. I used up the remaining DIY Bisquick mix from the fridge and made some more. 
Two litres of chicken stock and another  batch of homemade Bisquick mix

Chicken pot pie with Bisquick topping

This morning I received my first Twinrix shot at the Travel clinic and the second one is due one month from now. I will also have my Typhoid shot then as well. I have been to Mexico and Cuba in the past, but never had these shots before. I should have. They used to be covered by our provincial health insurance in the past, but not anymore. So today's visit cost me $132 out of pocket. Hopefully, when I submit the receipt to our supplementary health plan, we will be reimbursed. My needle arm is not sore today, but rather the arm I used to drill in the gyproc screws on the weekend. Ha.  

I did two heavy loads of wash today, as I did not have time on the weekend. I will probably use the dryer tonight after seven o'clock (low peak period). We pulled out the washer and dryer on Sunday  to clean out the dryer hose and the outside dryer vent, dust down and vacuum the walls, and wash the floor underneath the machines. Cleaning out the hose and vent saves electricity because now the dryer doesn't have to work so hard or as long to dry the clothes. I will be so happy to start using the clothesline again. I do have a clothes horse though. I should probably use it more. 

I have not been working on crafts very much lately, so I have no photos to show. If I want to get two Christmas gifts made by the end of the month, I had better get my butt in gear this week. 


  1. You have been a busy bee! Your chicken pot pie looks very yummy. I've been meaning to make some one day but keep on forgetting.

    Did you get the shots because you're planning an out-of-the-country trip?

    Can't wait to see how that room turns out!

  2. Yes, there is a trip coming up; but, I am not ready to talk about it quite yet.

    Chicken pot pie is one of those comfort foods (like your blue plate special), that comes to mind easily when the weather outside is frightful. *laugh* It is good hibernation food.

    This morning my Sweetie and I ran some wire in the room.
