Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday afternoon

Yesterday I was not feeling my best. I felt like I was coming down with something. I had a dull headache, my tummy felt upset, and I was feeling very tired. I didn't lie down for a nap however. I made up another batch of dog biscuits and I baked a lasagna. I didn't feel like trying to post anything on my blog, but I read some blogs. Today I am feeling much better. 
Made lasagna last night for dinner

This morning the boys and I finished off the ceiling in the upstairs bedroom. That is a big job done. Tomorrow we are planning to enclose the main furnace duct that runs up through that room into the attic. The wall still needs to be insulated before we can put up the gyproc. It never goes as quickly as I want. 

The ceiling is finished.

I didn't plan my last grocery shop very well as I ran out of potatoes Sunday night. So Monday was cabbage roll casserole made with rice. Yesterday was lasagna. I think tonight I will make a baked pierogi casserole (with frozen ready-made pierogi) with a side of Italian sausage and green beans. Tomorrow is leftovers night, which will take us to Friday. There is the Costco pickup in the morning, so that is when I will pick up a few groceries for the end of the month. I did not do a shop last week except for the trips into Shopper's Drug Mart on my gift card. I have managed to do well on my budget in January. 


  1. I hope you feel better soon, Susan!
    Did you recently post a recipe for dog biscuits on your blog? I have thought about making them many times on the past and I just thought about that again just recently but I couldn't recall if I got the idea from a blog post or not. The idea to make them again may have been from you! :)
    Your dinners sound yummy and your lasagna is making my mouth water! :)

    1. You know what? I did link the recipe I use to my blog. However, they have removed the recipe from THEIR blog. I have no idea why because it is the best recipe with whole ingredients. I have yet to meet a dog that doesn't love these cookies. The recipe came originally from "Kitchen Dreamin'" and here it is.
      1/4 cup peanut butter
      1/2 cup vegetable oil (I use canola)
      2 eggs
      1 cup water (I keep mixing after adding each additional ingredient)
      Then add 1 cup cornmeal
      1 cup oatmeal
      2 cups of whole wheat flour
      I take enough to roll out on a floured surface and cut into shapes with a bone-shaped cookie cutter. I get approx. 40-45 on two cookie sheets. Place in pre-heated 400 F oven for 20 minutes. Then turn off the oven but leave the cookies inside until they are cool and "dried out" and hardened some more.
      Obviously dogs don't care what shape their cookies are. You could presumably roll out the dough and using a table knife, just cut into rectangles. Ha. My dog's owner is a bit of a flake.
      I have run out of certain ingredients in the past like cornmeal or oatmeal. I have substituted my own fine bread crumbs instead. Also white flour will work if you haven't any whole wheat. Have fun with it.

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better, Susan! Look at you, superwoman, cooking even though you weren't feeling well. I would have sent my husband to pick up food from somewhere else. Next time I don't feel well, I'll have to power through like you did! I'll tell myself to "Susan it!" ha.

    You must be so pleased that the ceiling is finished, although it sounds like you have a very long list of projects to be done in the house. You are so crafty that I'm sure your repairs and remodeling look terrific. I tiled my own kitchen floor about 10 years ago and the tiles are crooked and not even level, it's horrible. Yet something else that would need to be redone were we to put the house on the market. This is why I tell Greg that we're never moving. And hopefully no one will need a wheelchair because our house definitely isn't wheelchair accessible... nor would it be possible to make it so, not without major demolition and reconstruction.

    It sounds that you have your menu under control, even though you don't have the potatoes that you needed. Good for you! Eating down what you already have without going shopping again. Saves you money and you don't waste food that goes uneaten. Very smart! I keep saying that I'm going to skip a week as far as grocery shopping is concerned, but that never happens. Also, I wasn't supposed to buy meat this month and I've bought tons of it. Oh well!

    Good luck with the rest of your projects!

  3. What kind of tiles did you put down? That is a pretty big job. Most people would have started on a much smaller project. There you go....jumping in with both feet. Good for you.

    Oh yes. We have a long list of projects to do. But we have accomplished a lot as well. My husband is very handy. He can't do most of it anymore, but he was a good teacher. As long as he is there directing and "snoop-er-vising", my son and I can get most anything done.

    1. Snoopervising made me chuckle outloud!

      I put down ceramic tiles on the floor. The whole thing took me a year because the kitchen is very large and I was so tired after putting down those heavy cement boards all by myself that I waited a whole year to actually start tiling over it. The rest of the kitchen needs to be torn down anyway so it's not like a beautiful kitchen got a crappy floor :) Yeah, we're never going to be able to sell this house. We'd have to put in probably close to $100K in repairs/remodeling/upgrades in it, unless we found naive people like us who love the character of the house and think they can live with the... quaintness of it.
