Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Winter arrived today

The view from our front door

This was a good day for staying inside. Since my Sweetie had already picked up some building materials yesterday from Home Depot, we decided this morning to start the job of doing some repairs in the upstairs bedroom.

Cracks in the ceiling gyproc

The ceiling is in pretty good condition. The previous owner placed gyproc over the old lathe and plaster, but did a very poor job of finishing the seams. We decided not to pull down the ceiling (too messy and time consuming), so we decided instead to give it a cosmetic fix by nailing thin tongue and groove pine boards over the top. They can be painted later, but my son's GF actually loves the look of the pine as is. 

Tongue and groove pine boards hide a lot of sins and levels out the ceiling

We (my son and I with my husband's direction) were able to get 1/3 of the ceiling covered today. We stopped for lunch and then I realized how tired I felt. Fortunately, my son had to go into Kingston, so he had to stop work. So I don't  feel too badly about not being able to continue. I am not used to this work I guess. I used to be able to go all day. I lay on the couch and fell fast asleep.   I had a pork roast in the crock pot, so I only had to boil potatoes and fix some veggies when I finally woke up. 
Tomorrow we plan on building a 2X4 wall on the north side of his room. Instead of tearing out the old wall, we will put up an insulated wall on the inside of the old one. I will take pictures to demonstrate what I mean. By the weekend we may be ready to put up new gyproc and mud on the seams. It's a lot of work, but my son and his GF are looking forward to learning all these skills for building their tiny house in the Spring. 

1 comment:

  1. Well shoot, no wonder you needed a nap! The only exercise I got today was the 45 minutes on my recumbent bike and I've been dragging myself like a zombie all evening! It's hard work to have your arms up like that. I really like the pine finishing too, btw and I'm always for anything that makes things easier.

    Your son and GF will be learning tons of things from you guys! I'm not really understanding how you'll build a wall inside of a wall so I look forward to seeing a picture!

    Enjoy your snow and be safe on the roads!
