Friday, January 29, 2016

First grocery shop of February

Friday mornings are pickups from Costco. Since I have to go into Kingston anyways, I like to combine errands. Yesterday my grocery flyers were not delivered to the driveway, so I chose to go to Food Basics this morning thinking I might be able to procure some fresh veggies on sale. I don't know yet what the other stores are offering this weekend, but I found cauliflower on for $2.88 a head, and broccoli was selling for $1.88 for a bunch. I bought 2 bunches.Celery is still out of my comfort zone, selling now for $4 a bunch. It is still going up in price. I will go on-line to find the other grocers' flyers, but in the meantime, I think I did pretty well with the first shop of the month. 
Baking supplies $4.96 
Neither of these items were on sale, but I was nearly out of sugar and the almond extract was an impulse buy because I knew I was out of it.  
Proteins $30.52
Two small chickens were on sale for $7.20. I put both of them in the oven to roast  soon after  I took this photo. The sirloin tip roast was on sale for $3.88/lb.

Dairy $11.73

Certain varieties of Becel were on for $3.88 each. I am hoping to find cheese on sale somewhere else. 

Produce $ 18.44
I bought a ten pound bag of white potatoes for peeling and chopping for Sunday's Special Meal for the clients at St. Andrews. It is my team's turn again to serve dinner to the street people. The five pound bag of Russets are for us. 

Pantry items $20.64

Four loaves of w.w. bread $7.52

Sundries $25.64
Fortunately for me, all of these items were on sale.
Cashmere was $3.88
Dog food was $16.88
Oxiclean for my DIY laundry detergent was $4.88

I pay for these sundry items out of my $300 grocery budget, and so far I have been getting by. Today's  total bill came to $122.78

As this has taken me all morning, I am now going upstairs to see what damage I can do up there in the bedroom renovation. Talk to you later. 


  1. You got a really good price on the sirloin tip roast! I cannot believe how expensive celery is... wow.

    Can you look up your sales circulars online?

    Have fun with your remodeling project, I'm off to put away my Christmas stuff, FINALLY!

    1. Also forgot to ask: any news of your sister? I hope she was able to get her tests done.

    2. They tried giving her an antibiotic through her intravenous yesterday.(for pneumonia she has in one of her lungs.) She had an allergic reaction and went into convulsions. As a result, she did not have tests yesterday, and I probably won't get any more news until tonight or tomorrow.

      Yes,the price of celery is out of sight right now. Next year, I will consider chopping and freezing like I presently do with peppers so that I have a supply for my recipes throughout the winter. Like I mentioned before, some of the extra cost comes from the fall of the Canadian dollar, and some is from the scarcity of product from California because of the droughts. Also, when I start buying it again, I will be growing Zombies so I at least have leaves to add to my soups. It is a good thing that I froze quite a bit in my "peelings" bags.

    3. How much is your celery! Its £1.00 here. I'm quite shocked by the price of some of the things you have to buy Susan.

      That is so nice that you feed the street people, that is something my thirteen year old really cares about. He gave his five pounds pocket money to a homeless man a couple of weeks ago and he asked me I would mind him working I a homeless shelter.

      I hope your sister starts to recover soon xx
