Thursday, August 11, 2016

Girls' Weekend starts tomorrow

So the last couple of days I have been puttering around the house. I am not doing any big projects as we are in the middle of another big heatwave. We have a possibility of rain on OUR weekend, but I don't think anyone will be too upset. We need it so badly. I don't know how it will affect our tour of Fineview New York tomorrow, but we will make our own fun nonetheless. 

By 8:30 this morning both the garbage and paper recycling was picked up. So yesterday I made sure to bring down the upstairs garbage to combine with the kitchen trash. I also sorted the recycling as well in the gray box...newspaper, thin cardboard and corrugated cardboard. We shred most of our paper to add to our garden composter, and we bring our collected plastic wrap, Styrofoam, clear plastic food containers, and toxic items  to the recycling plant every once in a while.  I need to empty and clean the kitchen composter almost daily or else it attracts fruit flies. Ugh!  

Today was started with emptying the dishwasher, starting up another load of dishes,  and washing out the microwave oven. While it was still early, I made another batch of doggie biscuits and boiled some new potatoes so I can make a potato salad to go with our sandwich wraps for dinner tonight. Last night I made some quick pizzas with some flatbread I bought on the weekend.  I used leftover spaghetti sauce with meat, some sauteed onion and red pepper, chorizo and mozzarella cheese that needed using up. I had fallen asleep on the couch downstairs yesterday afternoon, while my Sweetie was watching television. I must have been tired. When I woke up at 5:30. I had no plan for what I wanted to make for supper. The pizzas were a great idea. 

Yesterday I started the day by bleaching some tea towels and then I did a small load of whites and lights and hung them out. They are still hanging out in the sun this morning. I also checked the garden and found more beans to pick. They have since been put in the freezer. Our tomatoes are starting to ripen, but we are keeping up with the harvest so far by eating them up fresh.I have fried up a pound of bacon for the freezer, so my Sweetie can make some toasted BLT's this weekend while I am gone. I have also boiled 6 eggs, some for the potato salad tonight and some for snacking. There is another pitcher of iced tea in the fridge.  
More beans, one cayenne pepper and three tomatoes

This afternoon I will finish packing up my weekender bag and make sure I have my money and my passport.  I am so looking forward to this weekend. Everyone needs to have a break away. I probably won't post anything until after I return home (with pictures). 


  1. Have loads of fun on your trip and i hope it rains all weekend while you're away!

    Your flatbread pizzas sound delicious, by the way!

  2. Thank you Nathalie. I am planning on loads of fun, and also some quiet relaxing fun as well.

  3. I hope you are enjoying your weekend with friends. I have a group of friends with whom I spend a weekend every year -- it's such a nice time.
