Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I picked part of a peck of peppers

I began the day by going out to the garden. I picked one more red pepper to bring my count up to five. I picked another handful of beans, about 12 small tomatoes, and 26 more cherry tomatoes. I sliced and seeded the peppers and froze them. I cored and packaged another quart of tomatoes for the freezer, and left three for slicing fresh. The cherry tomatoes will also be put in the freezer because we are getting tired of them already.

My red peppers harvested from the garden

The rest of today's harvest, showing produce destined for the freezer

I vacuumed and "Febreezed" my couch yesterday. I looked on-line for a homemade Febreeze recipe for when I eventually run out of this bottle. Of course, there were several recipes to choose from. I washed all of my couch blankets and a smaller second load of dark wash and hung them outside.

I washed both sides of my kitchen French door and part of my adjoining kitchen wall.  If you have ever owned a dog, then you know how often the glass has to be scrubbed. 

I vacuumed my carpeted staircase. 

I swept up part of the tiled floor in my craft room. The craft room is overwhelming to me, so I will break off tiny bites to chew until it gets done. 

Yesterday was actually the day that was cooler than seasonal, not today. It is supposed to go back up into the 30's this week. I will still try to do some outdoor work.


  1. Laughing at the title of your post :)

    Don't overdo it outside in the heat. I can related being sick of the cherry tomatoes, it was a relief when my plants stopped producing although I can bring myself to pull them right now because they're still flowering here and there.

    Your peppers look delicious. I don't know why but my peppers just don't grow very big. Do you fertilize yours?

  2. No, I rarely think to throw on fertilizer...even in my flower planters. I water them with the sprinkler every other day. I have been lucky with peppers.I just don't get great numbers of them though. I plant them usually near my tomato plants to shelter them from wind, but keep them in direct sunshine. They love sun. And each Spring I will add a layer of compost or garden soil to amend.

  3. Those peppers are beautiful! I love red peppers. I appreciate green peppers, but I really LOVE the red (and yellow and orange) ones. It's hard to imagine getting tired of cherry tomatoes, but that's happened to us, too. The one time I successfully grew tomatoes, anyway!

  4. I love adding peppers to much of my cooking, usually sauteed with onions and garlic. So I try to slice and freeze as many as possible when the price is right for those winter months when peppers are expensive to buy.

    I may be tired of cherry tomatoes now, but I will add some frozen to homemade soups and roasted veggies when the weather gets cold.
