Sunday, August 21, 2016

 My Sweetie and I worked on a joint project yesterday. We dismantled the old marble fireplace and moved the electric fireplace we had in our dining room to its new home. It fits in better with the light oak cabinets that we have on this wall. We had hoped that someday we could put a gas insert in this old fireplace. But it is time to admit that that will never happen. My husband will try to sell the marble pieces on-line, but I don't know if anyone will want to buy. We'll see.
We traded out the old marble fireplace surround

for a light oak electric fireplace. It isn't as high or as wide as the old one, so my Sweetie will put up a tile fireplace surround to hide the area left by the old fireplace.

I also....washed the toilet and sink in the downstairs half-bath.

.....baked dog biscuits, bread pudding, and 21 zucchini muffins. 

.....froze 2 more quarts of tomatoes from the garden

.....brought in 3 loads of laundry from the clothesline before it rained during the night and this morning. 

.....made "Ten Things Farm" chicken seasoning and used it on chicken legs for dinner. Yummy. 

.....burned the carrots I peeled and chopped for dinner, so substituted frozen peas.

I burned the carrots because I was on the computer. Bad! And that is more or less all that I have done today. Some days I just cannot get motivated. I did go into Shopper's Drug Mart today for a few things, and paid with money left from my Girls' Weekend. I bought 2 doz. eggs for $1.99 a dozen (for my U.S. readers, that is CHEAP right now) I bought two bags of milk and two loaves of whole wheat bread. I also bought a jug of laundry detergent because I had run out of washing soda to make my own. The Gain detergent at half price was cheaper than a box of washing soda, so a better deal for me at the end of the month. I also had to buy sugar which was NOT cheap, but we were completely out. I guess I shouldn't have baked stuff yesterday. 

I still have the 3 loads of laundry to fold. Hopefully I can muster the gumption to get that accomplished today. The rain has stopped. The sun is back out. This Tuesday is forecast to be the FIRST day this summer with temperatures under seasonal. I plan to work outdoors. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.   


  1. I really like that new mantle and now the electric fire place looks just like a real one! Does it heat up well or is it just for atmosphere? My grandparents had one too. We have a real fireplace (in Florida!) but we've never used it. The flue needed to be fixed when we bought it and we had a 6-month old who was just learning to crawl so having fires was the last thing I wanted to do. Nowadays we're too cheap to have the flue fixed and too lazy to build a fire (well, especially to clean up after making a fire!) and it's only cold enough about 2 weeks out of the year so why bother? Maybe I ought to be an electric one too so we can have the illusion of a fire...

    You did a lot! I envy you the colder temperatures, darn it! Here it's dry, dry, dry and hot. I haven't seen any birds or squirrels in the backyard for days, although I'm not there myself. But whenever I look out, it's desolate out there. September and October are usually wet months with the risk of hurricanes intensifying and I hope we won't have one but I hope we get some rain because it wouldn't be good to head into the dry winter after a long, dry summer. I sure miss those afternoon thunderstorms right now!

  2. The fireplace has controls on it that allow for just "flames" for atmosphere, or flames with blowing heat like an electric heater for the room. So when the hydro goes out, it is useless. That is why I always wanted to have a real fireplace, as a secondary source of heat and cooking. Oh well. We may freeze to death, but we will have ambiance.

    I do love cooler temperatures. Fall is my favourite season.
