Saturday, August 27, 2016

Resisting the Crafting Urge

 I did my usual empty the dishwasher (yesterday, Friday), fill up the dishwasher, wash another load of dishes while cleaning off all the counters. But that led to vacuuming the kitchen floor, washing down a kitchen cabinet, then the window ledge, then washing the entire window (inside and out). It was the result of wanting to start the Fall Cleaning, or an attempt at stalling the inevitable  "resuming the purge and clean-up in the Craft Room". Whatever. It's all good. I still managed to get stuff done.

 Moving counter-clockwise around the room, my next project in the Craft Room was the tall standing cabinet beside my paper crafting cabinet. I removed everything, wiped down the surfaces, and only replaced my scrapbooks and photo boxes on the bottom two shelves.

Above the two shelves is a drop-down "desk top" that provides a small work surface and then folds up to hide any messes until the next time. 

Above that work area are two shelves behind glass doors which can house supplies. This is where I used to have my cricut cartridges and craft magazines. I have not replaced them yet because I am rethinking the use for this cabinet. The work surface did not work for scrap booking or card making because I need to spread out and use up a whole table. That is why I always ended up in the dining room. But this area would work for beading or painting, so I will consider that as an option before I return anything to these shelves. 

Slowly, but surely, by doing a little bit each day and spending some time rethinking how spaces are used. this HUGE job will eventually get done in time for me to make cards, homemade gifts, and wrap the Advent Calendar presents this Fall. I am constantly resisting the urge to sit down and craft something. That has happened in the past when I have tried to clean the space. As soon as space became available or I found some supplies that I had forgotten about, I would stop the clean up in order to craft something. Not this time. And I am trying very hard to purge supplies that I have not used in a while. That is more difficult.

So today I find myself back in that room. I don't know how much I will get done over the weekend. I have washing to do. I have to pick more tomatoes and maybe some more beans. Early Monday morning, my Sweetie and I have to be in Toronto for another appointment with the vascular surgeon. (We just found out about it. We were not expecting an appointment to be made). And Tuesday morning, we have another load of stuff to go to the Transfer Station, so we are loading up the trailer with more junk around the yard. (This is stuff that the dump won't take, eg. lumber and construction material) So a busy weekend ....also hot and muggy. Have a good weekend yourselves. Stay cool.   


  1. I have also successfully resisted the crafting urge and didn't finish my squirrel sign today, again!

    Seriously, though, kudos for sticking to your plan to completely clean out and reorganize the room before sitting down to craft. I can completely understand your getting sidetracked as soon as you clear one spot and getting excited by supplies that you had forgotten you had. Good luck in trying to decide how to best use the shelves too. I'm not a crafter so I don't have any useful input, I'm afraid.

    Is the Toronto trip when you have to get going super early to make it to the doctor's on time? And then drive 4 hours back afterwards? It sounds like it's going to be a tiring day, are you sure you'll feel up to loading up the trailer on Tuesday?

    I was re-reading post and comments on my blog from last early September, last night, and saw comments from you about working on your Advent calendars and Christmas cards and presents so I was wondering when you would get started this year. Are you still going to follow that calendar that you followed last year to get your house cleaned and decorated for the holidays bit by bit?

    I think I'm going to pare down Christmas even more this year. As I do want to commit being healthier, I don't think I want to have the buffet spread that we usually have because it just encourage everyone to overeat and I need to not be derailed by the holidays. The kids and Greg really enjoy it, but I think I'll just do a simple Christmas dinner. Also, we might not be in a very celebratory mood depending on what's going on with Greg's parents at that time. Heck, I don't even know if HE'll be here. So I'm not going to stress about Christmas until we get closer to it. We no longer do anything for Halloween and Greg is usually at his parents' with our son for Thanksgiving. So that leaves me free NOT to decorate or have to stress about celebrations until the end of December. I do want to get stocking gifts for everyone but I think otherwise they'll just get cash and I won't worry about trying to find meaningful gifts as they all just need cash for their living expenses or studies. And I can't believe that it's not even the end of August and I'm already not-worrying (!) about Christmas.

    Have a great weekend. I hope the Monday trip is uneventful!

  2. Glad to hear you have resisted the crafting bug as well. I would have a much harder time if I saw that you had completed a project (like the squirrel sign) and I had restricted myself to doing anything of the kind until my cleaning and organizing project was complete. The temptation would be excruciating.

    Yes the Toronto trip to the hospital is that same one you described. It is tiring. Hopefully we can fill the trailer today and early Tuesday morning. If not, we can take it in later in the week. But we have more brush to load up and take to the City Compost. We would like to do that quickly, but at the moment the trailer is being filled up with junk.

    It is still August, but barely. Once Labour Day comes around, and school starts, it is a race to the holidays. Our Canadian Thanksgiving is early in October, followed by Hallowe'en, then very quickly moves to Christmas. I have to have my Advent Calendars mailed out mid-November so the kids (in Vancouver) have them to open by the first of December. Therefore, I am thinking Christmas so early. Each year I tell myself that I will scale back, BUT....
