Tuesday, September 20, 2016

After the Procedure

 My Blackberry playbook is still not charging but appears to be still working. "Dee" is bringing me a spare charger when I see her and my dad this weekend. So I will have my Blackberry back. Yay! In the meantime, you will get these clipart pictures to illustrate and break up the monotony of my reports.

The surgeon removed six polyps yesterday and reported that none of them looked cancerous, although one was very large at 3/4 inch. We will get an official report from the lab. When I got home, I crashed on the couch. I felt so relieved and exhausted.

Today I was back to my daily routine. I went out to the garden to check on the progress of things. You will remember that on Sunday I remarked that the garden was coming to an end. Well, scrap that notion. I brought in even more than I had on Friday. I have two more medium sized freezer bags of my burgundy beans. I will still be picking in December at this rate.  

Maybe because I hadn't picked in 4 days, I had another bumper crop. I also have tomatoes still ripening on the vine, and a second batch of peppers are coming. I will let them stay outside as long as possible to get bigger but they may still be green when I harvest them.   

This afternoon a friend (abdominal surgery) picked me up to go back to Napanee to visit another friend of ours who is doing rehab  after having a hip replacement. I had stopped in to see her yesterday while my husband was having his procedure done, but the door was closed and I did not want to interrupt in case she was sleeping. 
Today we found her outside in the courtyard. She is really coming along well.    

On the way home, we stopped at Walmart for me to buy some plastic cheese slices ($2.99) and 500 gms. of mozarella cheese for $3.87  Tonight we will have pulled pork sandwiches for dinner with some leftover pork from the freezer, some homemade BBQ sauce and some of my homemade hamburger buns from the weekend's baking blitz.                                                                          


  1. I hope your phone continues to work and it was only a charger problem!

    My daughter just dropped her phone tonight (the one she received yesterday). It wasn't her fault, really, she was taking it out of her pocket and it flew out of her hand and fell face flat on the kitchen tile. She had a case on. The phone won't work. She's out $250+. It hasn't really been a good day here :(

    I'm amazed at how large your bean crop is! Bumper crop?! Do you still have room in your freezer?!

    I'm glad your friends are doing well, I was going to ask you about the abdominal surgery friend in my comment yesterday and then it slipped my mind before I hit "Publish".

    "plastic cheese slices", snort. That's what I call them too :)

    1. It isn't a phone Nathalie. I don't have a cell phone. It is like an I-pad. I can browse the internet, do my emails, take pictures and do facetime with others who have a Blackberry Playbook. Anyway, I can turn it on, so I think it will work; but it won't do anything because it doesn't have enough charge. At least, that is what I am hoping is going on. Your poor daughter I feel so badly for her. I am hoping this phone of hers can be fixed for little cost.

    2. Ever since you spoke about having a Blackberry (before your trip to Egypt), I have thought it was a cell phone!

      My daughter isn't going to have the phone fixed. At least for now. The screen is cracked as well and just getting that fixed is at least $129 for someone to do it. Then there's the phone internal repair as well. She went back to using her iPhone 4. Thankfully, she still had it and she borrowed my charging cable again.

  2. Glad to hear your husband's procedure went smoothly and the surgeon thinks all is well. I'm sure the lab reports will confirm it. Sounds like your garden is doing very well! Lots of home grown veggies for your freezer! Hope your Blackberry will work with a new charger.

    1. My garden is doing exceptionally well, especially with the summer temperatures we are still experiencing. Our growing season is being extended a little bit. I have filled one of my freezers and have started to take over the second freezer which I had allowed my son and his GF to use for their stuff.
