Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Working on my September goals

This morning I washed three more windows, but just the inside glass, frames and sills. These are the windows at the back of the house in the Craft Room overlooking the back yard. After I finish the other two windows and the patio sliding glass doors tomorrow, I will go outside and wash the outside of the windows. We did not get the double hung windows for this room.  Rather they are windows that need to be cranked open, with the screens inside.
After lunch, I went back into that room and moved furniture and boxes and purged some more items for the donation box. I dusted down the walls and did some more vacuuming. I made two distinct areas for working...the long table overlooking the garden is for me, and the smaller square table  in the  corner by the patio door, is for my son and his GF. This way we are able to walk away and leave our work to finish up later. Their table is already filled up with boxes of their things they still have to deal with from the move. They have to be tossed or stored elsewhere. Every work surface of mine is covered with my crap. It will take tomorrow and possibly one more day to get it all sorted and put away. I am at the point where I can see an ending. Yippee ki-yay!

That is it. That is all I did today. I am feeling very tired. My hubby went to Radiology this morning, by himself, to have another  ultra sound done on his shoulder. He is still waiting for an appointment for a cat scan done for the surgeon. He has gone to the after hours clinic now to pick up a requisition for blood work that he wants done before his appointment with the Family Physician next Tuesday. I never thought about dinner, so this will give me a chance to come up with something before he comes back.

We started watching "Mad Men" on Netflix on Monday night. We watched three episodes but neither one of us could get into it. That's okay. Last night the new TV lineup started, so we watched NCIS, Bull and NCIS New Orleans. I hope you have a great evening. 


  1. What do you mean "that is all I did today"? You washed 3 windows and did some cleaning and organizing in your crafts room! Sounds like a lot of work to me! I know it's more than what I did!

  2. Well actually, it was a lot of work. I guess what I meant was....I just did that, no other kind of work. But I really, really want to get this room finished. So everything else might just have to wait.

  3. Way to go, you're going to have the sparkliest windows on the block! Certainly cleaner than mine. And hooray for seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in the craft room. Soon you'll be crafting your little heart away.

    I tried watching Mad Men a few years back and I couldn't get into it either.

    I hope you get plenty of rest tonight so you can power through and finish your craft room by the end of the week!

  4. At the very least, the windows on the main floor will be clean and sparkly. I haven't started any on the second floor yet.

    Yes, that will be my reward for finishing the Craft Room. I will be able to go hog-wild in there making my cards and wrapping up the little gifts I have bought so far for the Advent Calendars. There will be no more working on the dining room table. That is what I dream about. *sigh*
