Thursday, September 8, 2016

Domestic Wednesday

Today I......

made a pitcher of my iced tea and enjoyed it all afternoon.

 unloaded the dishwasher twice and filled it up twice more.

made bread pudding and chocolate chip cookies.  I put another tin of 3 dozen in the freezer.

scrubbed down all the counters, the stove and the inside of the microwave.

washed out the dog's water and food  bowls

sorted all the recycling and took the gray box (paper and cardboard) to the curb

brought down all the garbage from upstairs and put 3 bags out to the curb last night

took the kitchen compost out to the garden compost

watered all the indoor plants, including the ones I have taken outdoors to the veranda this summer.

picked some more produce from the garden including another cucumber.

and beans. The longer the season goes, the bigger the yields. 

brought a load of laundry in off the clothesline.

vacuumed three rooms, and washed the floors of the kitchen and living room.

picked the meat off the roast chicken of two nights ago and made a chicken pot pie for dinner tonight. I will make a chicken stock with the rest. 

My Sweetie, in the meantime, was outside working on the carburetor of the riding lawn mower until he sliced his arm open. He drove himself to Emergency and sat there all afternoon. It required 8 stitches to close him up. I felt a little guilty sending him on his own, but he needs to learn he can't be doing these things anymore. Poor guy! I understand how he feels though. 

And how was your day?


  1. It must be so frustrating for your husband to get into scrapes every time he tries to do tasks he finds important and enjoys. :( I wonder if there is a hobby he could take up that might be less likely to cause injury?

    Those beans! I can't believe how many you've picked over the summer. How do you cook them? My MIL used to simmer them a long time with garlic; they were so good!

    1. I have told him "no more working on motors". Whether he pays attention or not is up to him. He shouldn't be doing anything to cause himself injury because of the risk of infection. I should buy some paint and get him painting some of the projects that I haven't got to yet.

  2. I second Laura's comment about your husband. It must be frustrating for you too. HUGS to both. I'm glad he's OK.

    Do you still have room in your freezer for all those beans?! That's incredible, the yield you're getting!

    Have a good day today. You deserve to rest after all you did yesterday. You know what would be a good, relaxing activity? Finishing organizing your craft room. Yes, it would. You will thank me later. Hahahaha.

    Well, I'm off to shower as I vaguely smell of cat pee, I think. Ewwww.

  3. I don't think it is going to happen today either....organizing the Craft room. I will be going to Napanee this afternoon to visit a friend who is in convalescent care after a hip replacement. I also need to pick up dog food and more freezer bags (for all those beans). I picked yesterday because we were expecting another big rainfall last night and hot humid temperatures today. It may be enough to start another growth spurt on the beans. Yay!??

    1. that's OK, I won't be working on finishing my squirrel sign today either... sigh. Another friend in convalescent care? I hope she's OK. She's in for a treat with your visit, you're such a good friend.

      The humidity has mostly gone away here! I've been meaning to talk about it on my blog. In the mornings it's been 85 and lovely. Of course I don't spend much time outdoors these days. It gets hot in the afternoons, still, though so the AC is still a must. I, however, have no beans growing, or much of anything else save that sweet potato vine and the weeds. I may just skip gardening this winter, I have plenty on my plate with growing kittens, ha. I also have to go run errands, again. So much for trying to batch all my errands anymore. Enjoy your day! Maybe you can get your husband to help you make cards?

  4. You did a lot, yesterday! And it sounds like you'll be busy today, too. I am sorry to hear your husband hurt his arm tending to the lawn mower! I agree with Nathalie - have him get involved with card making! Paper cuts won't be as bad and probably won't require visits to the ER and stitches!
