Friday, September 9, 2016

Fearless Friday

 My Sweetie got up with the dog this morning, leaving me to sleep in until 9:30. Woohoo! Guess where I found him when I got up? That's right. Outside in the back yard sitting in front of the riding lawn mower tinkering with the motor again. He had already taken  the carburetor apart, cleaned it and was putting it back together when I came out to see what he was up to. About the same time that I got up to check on him, the weather got too hot to continue, so he decided to stop for the day and finish up later. *ahem*.
Cleaning the carburetor

I did the usual unload the dishwasher and make my iced tea. I didn't feel like starting my Craft Room. It was hot today but not as humid as yesterday, so I decided I might wash the other kitchen window facing the back of the house. You might remember that I washed the first one last week. When that one was finished, I decided I might as well tackle both the screen door and the security door that opens onto the deck. When I wash windows, I use a bucket of soapy water and a sponge with a bristle edge, a scrub brush and a toothbrush. I wash the tracks, frames and sills both inside and outside. When I was done with that, I needed to empty the pail of grimy water. I was on a roll, so I filled the pail back up and tackled both the living room and dining room windows. Our windows get so very dirty I think because we live alongside the highway and get a lot of traffic by our house. When looking for clip art showing a woman washing windows, nearly all of them showed cute little ladies (some in French maid costumes) with a rag in one hand and Windex in the other. That's not me. I am more like this lady doing battle against the elements, sweating like a race horse. Since the water was disgusting again, I dumped the pail and decided the rest of the windows downstairs can be done another day.

After lunch I decided I could face my Craft Room again. I didn't do a lot, but I did empty that bin I brought down last week. It was filled with Christmas wrappings and boxes just as I had left it nine months ago. I have now incorporated all of that and my  birthday and occasional  wrappings/decorations/embellishments into appropriate drawers and bins in my crafting area. I should now be able to make cards and wrap gifts at the crafting table. I tossed garbage, threw gift boxes into recycling bins and purged some more items for the donation box. 

More items purged from the Craft Room

Balloon weights, wall hooks, craft sticks, plastic lacing, and pipe cleaners.

Spending money:  Yesterday I spent $50.42 at Walmart on dog food, tin foil, 3 boxes of freezer bags, and 400 gms of Old cheddar cheese. I spent $1.15 in the vending machine for a cold drink at the hospital where I went to visit a friend recovering from a hip replacement. Today my Sweetie picked up bread with our gift card. (no OOP)

Maintenance and preparedness: Sweetie is trying to clean the carburetor on the lawn mower to save us from having to replace it. I made a batch of chicken broth in the crock pot yesterday and put it  in the freezer. I used the turkey broth I made a couple of weeks ago to make homemade turkey and vegetable soup last night to go with our roasted cheese sandwiches for dinner. I froze two quarts of burgundy beans from the last harvest. I did not check the garden today. 

Crafting: none 

Purging and organization: my Craft Room (part of my September goals)

Cleaning:  washed windows  (part of  my September goals)

1 comment:

  1. Pat, pat, pat! This is me patting you on the back for a couple of jobs well done: the windows (Oh I hate doing those!) and working on your craft room!

    Greg was trying to fix the leaf blower last weekend, I need to ask him if he succeeded. We have dead leaves near the main entrances so every time somebody walks in, they bring in leaves with them. It's not fall here but the trees are so dry due to the lack of rain (save for Hermine, it barely rained at all this summer at my house), that they are losing their leaves as if it were truly fall.

    My BFF was having a garage sale today and handed me a bag from Creative Memories, asking me to take if off her hands. I thought I'd have memory book stuff to mail you but it ended up being very old software from Creative Memories so I told her no thanks.

    Then I was thinking about making my own cards like you but I'm far too lazy and messy so I stopped by Dollar Tree and bought 2 cards for $1.00 :)

    Oh, I was at the thrift store yesterday and I saw an owl wooden decoration that reminded me of your owl card that you made for one of your grandkids. I took a picture of it, I'll need to remember to post it to show it to you.

    Have a great evening!
