Monday, September 26, 2016

Daybook: Monday Sept. 26/16

Outside my window.....It is mostly cloudy, but the sun does peek through occasionally. There is a slight breeze. I closed up all the windows this past weekend because Fall arrived Saturday morning. I didn't cut the grass last week, so the front lawn is desperately in need of mowing. A black squirrel just ran across the road in front of the house.

I am thinking....that this week, I will be able to start making cards, crafting gifts,  and wrapping Advent Calendar gifts in my cleaned Craft Room.

I am thankful for.....Fall weather of cooler temperatures and sunny days that allow me to work either indoors or out comfortably.

From the kitchen.....yesterday I baked a batch of dog biscuits, and I made two homemade pizzas. One I baked up right away for dinner last night. The other is carefully wrapped in the freezer for later. I sauteed onions, peppers from the freezer, some crisped bacon and pieces of leftover pork roast. I shredded the mozzarella that I bought last week. Yummy. I love homemade pizza.

I am wearing....denim jeans and a printed T-shirt, socks and slippers. I guess it is time to put away my summer wardrobe. That will be part of my October goals, I guess, when I deep clean the master bedroom.

I am creating.......lots of stuff hopefully this week; but, I will describe what I created for my brother's 65th birthday. I gave him a card from my stash of cards that I made earlier in the summer. I also made him a Senior Citizen's Survival Kit by placing the following items (with an explanation) in a tiny gift bag. Feel free to use or adapt this. That is what I do by gathering ideas from Pinterest. So not entirely original, but no one person gets credit, because it is a compilation of ideas. get this party started with a bang. call for help if you fall over and can't get up.
Magnifying help with your reading now you are ageing.
A contribute to your Retirement fund. help keep your eyes open past 8 PM. replace the ones you've lost already write things down before you forget them remind you to write things down before you forget them
Tootsie Pop.....because getting old "sucks"

I am Giant Tiger sometime this morning to pick up the weekly specials before the end of tomorrow, when the new sale starts.

I am hoping....that the family doctor will give my hubby some iron shots like he is hoping, to give him a little more energy. His iron is very low, and iron pills have not been helping him very much the past year. Two other medical specialists of his have advised him to get the shots, and he has an appointment with her on Wednesday.

I am hearing.....the TV on. My Sweetie is watching a newscast. The dog is lapping up water from his bowl, and the dishwasher is on.

Around the house......I will have the Craft Room done to my satisfaction before the month is out, but as far as my other goals have gone, the windows on the second floor will not get done.

One of my favourite now a cup of hot tea, now that the weather allows it.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....include picking up new prescriptions for the both of us on Wednesday, and a major grocery shop on Friday.

Here is a picture I am sharing......a new-to-us 50 inch flat screen television to replace our 32 inch TV. My dad and "Dee" brought it down to us this past weekend, because their neighbour bought herself a new bigger screen and wanted me to have this one. Notice it is almost as big as the fireplace, and I assure you it is twice as big as our old one. When I walk into that room, I am still doing a double take. My Sweetie is in heaven right now. Once he has hooked up Netflix to it, he will be as happy as a pig in muck. Ha.


  1. What a lovely birthday gift idea! Thank you for sharing! Love your new TV! I'm sure your husband is enjoying it! It's definitely twice the size of the TV I have!

    I was commenting on Nathalie's day book post that I love the idea and wouldn't mind doing a day book post myself. But, I am afraid I won't have enough time once I start going back to the office, in probably another couple of weeks. I have to be on the road by 7:00 a.m. and I refuse to get up an hour earlier than I have to, in order to do a blog post! LOL. I am not a morning person.

    Hope you have a lovely day and a great rest of the week. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your finished crafts room.

    1. I will take pictures, but it won't be perfect. At this stage I am ready to call it quits and accept that it will just have to do. At least my supplies are sorted in such a way that I will be able to find them.

      Again, I did not do any work in there again today. I went on a short shopping trip, cut the lawns, and harvested some of the veggies from the garden.

  2. I think you had yourself a Domestic Sunday :)

    I laughed at all those clever birthday gifts, especially at the pencil, he he.

    I'll bet your sweetie is so happy about the new and FREE TV! How awesome that your dad's neighbor thought of you?! I hope you both enjoy it as you watch your new shows.

    Fall weather sounds good to me. It was warm today but it's been cooler than this summer, the windows aren't fogged up in the mornings anymore and we even got lots of rain this afternoon. Of course I had worked in the garden this morning and watered the potted plants... emptied 12 jugs of rain water. I should have just saved myself the effort but I really didn't think it would rain and everything looked so pathetic. Argh. At least, I should be able to refill them at the rain barrel. I'll do that in the morning, in case it rains again tomorrow afternoon.

    1. Fall weather is lovely. I was outside a lot today getting some work done. I probably won't have time tonight to post on my blog, so maybe first thing in the morning.

      Yes my Sweetie loves his new TV. There is nothing wrong with our old TV, but this one is BIG. He doesn't have a lot that he can do these days, so watching his TV shows means a lot to him. BTW, the new season of Longmire is already out on Netflix.
