Thursday, February 14, 2019

Digging Myself Out

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. 

Tuesday I reported a snow storm was dumping snow over most of the province. The snow continued all through the night. Yesterday morning, the snow seemed to stop and I even made a comment to someone that I thought the advisory was over. I spoke too soon. It started up in our area again and continued well into the afternoon. I bundled up against the cold and wind and went out to tackle the bottom of the drive. It was the most and the heaviest of all snowfalls we have had yet this year. It was very difficult to move. I use my shovel to push the snow and I take lots of little breaks so as not to over extend myself too much. I stayed outside for about 2 hours, but only managed to clear the bottom of the drive.  (If I had to leave my house for any emergency, I would be able to drive out onto the highway). There was still the top of my driveway to clear, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do that until today. When I came into the house yesterday, I was very sore and physically exhausted. I did no housework, nor did I work on my scrap booking. I did make another card however. I just had to reheat leftovers from the night before. Mmmm......leftovers.  (I'm looking at you Bless)

I started today with finishing the driveway. There was still lots of snow, but the job  went more smoothly. My sister's birthday is this coming Tuesday, so when I realized this morning that it was Valentine's Day, it hit me that I should have mailed her card at the beginning of this week.  I can't believe this week is almost gone.  I walked to the post office to mail her card and picked up my mail. Among the envelopes was my insurance renewals for both my car and my house insurance. OMG! I thought last year's increase in the house insurance was bad news. This year was far worse. I wanted to cry.

I called to speak with a representative, but truly I didn't expect much sympathy. I called last year, but they did nothing for me. I guess it depends on the person you speak with, because this agent was absolutely wonderful. He worked with me for a good long time, asking questions and making recommendations. The final result of all the time spent on the phone, means that my premiums for BOTH my car and house insurance are less than what I paid last year. He is saving me a pile of money.  Yay!
Here is the sweet little encouragement card I made for one of my grand kids yesterday. I guess I should have drawn some little muscles on those skinny little stick arms, but I can't draw to save my soul. So it will have to do. She will think it's funny anyway.


  1. Ha, ha, I am looking right back at you, Susan! :)

    Oh, I am SO glad that you got a reduction in your insurance premiums! Such a blessing!

    Glad you were able clear your drive way of all that snow! Even with breaks, shoveling snow is hard work! I'm glad you didn't try to do any housework, on top of it! You must have been exhausted! I'm glad you had leftovers waiting for you and didn't have to cook!

    Love the card you made! But now, I'm wanting a chocolate chip cookie! LOL! I've been craving cake or pastries, these past few days. Did you go through a similar period of craving baked goods/desserts, when you started on your keto diet?

  2. Oh my gosh Bless...yes. I certainly did. I remember it was a pretty strong craving for maybe 6 weeks. I was eating a lot to fill that void and I was sure that on my first appointment with my doctor that was going to weigh in 20 pounds heavier. But I had instead lost weight, which I was reluctant to believe. I had to get rid of all the carbs in the house so they wouldn't be there to tempt me. I ate bowls and bowls of sauteed cabbage and soup that I'd made. I wasn't hungry. I was just craving. The thing that pulled me through was the dairy I was allowed....cheese and plain yoghurt and buckets of cottage cheese (which I love anyway) Lots of meat and high fat dairy would satiate me. After a while, I could bring treats into the house and it didn't bother me a bit. If I stayed away from sugar, I no longer craved it.

    In your case you are not being asked to give up carbs... just cut back, which I have tried in the past but found to be difficult. I used to be a smoker long, long ago so I know the feeling of addiction. This reminds me of trying to quit cigarettes, but instead of going cold turkey just cutting back to 3 a day. That would be so incredibly difficult. So I sympathize with you. I don't know how you feel about sugar substitutes, but I find stevia to be very helpful. For anyone who "takes a break" from keto, they have reported how terribly hard it is to get back on; so I am resolved to never, ever go off if it continues to keep my blood sugar in line. I think that if you give in to a craving, you have to accept it and forgive yourself so you can get right back up again. Don't let one little trip up set you up for failure. Get right back up on that horse and keep going.

    1. Thank, Susan. I tried stevia, but didn't like it - it left an after-taste that I didn't like. Besides, I've read various studies that seem to indicate that the body still reacts as if it has received sugar, producing insulin, in response to sugar substitutes. I don't know how accurate those studies are. I want to ask my doctor when I next see her, what her opinion is - it would be nice if I could have a serving of sugar-free pudding or something, when the cravings hit, you know? I gave in and had a piece of chocolate, yesterday - as my daughter said, it was St. Valentine's day! I've been good, today, though. :)
